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Checklist Versions

Understanding Draft Versions and Publishing Process.

Updated over a week ago

This article aims to guide you through the version control and publishing process for checklist templates.

Where to locate the versions

You can access “Versions” and drafts of your checklist templates by visiting the 'Checklist Templates' page, located under the 'Action' column by clicking the 'List' icon.

A full list of versions

Description of each column

Created Date: This indicates when this particular version was created

Version: This represents the name of the version

Checklist Status: This column shows the current status of each version:

- Draft: This version is in draft mode, not visible to end-users, you can edit this version

- Published: This version is live, and end-users with access to this template will answer the questions contained in this version

- Archived: This version is archived. Typically, previously published versions are archived when you publish another version

Creator: This indicates which user created this version

Action: This column displays various actions you can take for each version


Understanding the meaning of each action is crucial to maximize the use of the checklist builder.


When the version is in "Draft" status, you can make edits by selecting the "Edit" action.

This action will open the checklist builder page.


Any actions performed on the version are recorded under History. Here, you can view details such as who edited the version (if the old status was Draft and the new status is Draft also), when the version was published or archived, and any associated comments.


When you need to make changes to specific questions within a version, simply use the 'Copy' action and make your edits.

This action generates a new draft version, based on the version you copied. It retains the original version's name and appends "copy" to the end.


This action allows you to permanently remove a version. Use caution when choosing to delete a version, as it cannot be recovered once deleted. Only delete a version if you are absolutely certain it is no longer required.


This action allows you to create a separate checklist template based on the current version. This function is particularly useful when you want to view your draft in either a PDF report or on the app. Additionally, you can use it when you want your line manager to review your edits while keeping the current published version live.

When you successfully export the version, you will see a 'Success' message. Once you see this message, click "Return" to go back to the Checklist Templates page. You should now see the exported template listed there.

It's important to note that the exported template always stays in draft mode when exported. Even if it's in draft mode, you can still print it (i.e., generate a sample PDF report) using the "Print" option. However, if you want to view it in the app or create a survey, you'll need to publish this template and the attached version.

Please be mindful that all the settings are copied over from the original template as well. Therefore, if you publish this export, all users with access to the associated profiles will see this exported template. To control access, it's important to remove the profiles you don't want to share with yet. To do this, click on the template name to go to the checklist settings and scroll to the bottom to update the access permissions.

Change Status

This action is only available when the version status is "Published." You can either archive it or return it to draft mode using this action.

Note: If some users have already completed a checklist on this version, you won't be able to return it to draft mode.

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