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How To : Deactivate User and User's access
How To : Deactivate User and User's access
Updated over a week ago

When there is a change in an employee's position or if an employee leaves the company—especially if they had access to reporting or communications— you must check the following:

Deactivate the User

If the employee no longer needs access to 1Place, deactivate their user account as follows:

  1. Click on Settings Tab.

  2. Select Users.

  3. Find and click on the user you want to deactivate.

  4. Click Deactivate User.

This will disable their access.

Note: Only a Super User can perform this action. If you do not have access to the Settings Tab > Users, please contact your organization’s Super User for assistance.

If the departing employee was a Manager or held a higher position, check the following areas to ensure they will not receive any communications or notifications:

Email report

If the employee was receiving reporting data via email reports, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Reporting tab then click Email report or simply go to this page:

  2. Find and click on the reports related to the user (e.g., daily center closing/opening procedure, ticket reports).

  3. Click on the report name then click "X" to remove the user’s email address from the ‘To:’ or ‘Cc:’ fields.

  4. Click Save on the lower part.

This will ensure they no longer receive these email reports.

Centre Manager & Room Manager

If your system auto-populates email addresses when users submit checklists, follow these steps to update them:

  1. Click Settings tab > Centre Manager or Room Manager > Centre or Room

  2. Find the Center and click View/Edit

  3. Scroll down to the Contact Details section. Check who is listed to receive notifications. If the departing employee’s email address is included, remove it.

  4. Click Save on the lower part.

This will ensure they no longer receive these notifications.

Reassign Tickets

If the departing employee is involved in the ticket workflow, you should review and reassign the tickets to the new employee who will take over. By including the new employee in the ticket workflow, we ensure they can effectively manage any outstanding tickets and keep all tasks on track.

Please refer to the "Reassign Tickets" article for reference.

Scorecard/Induction/ Self Assessment Checklist

The Scorecard (in the US) or Induction/Self-Assessment Checklist (in Australia) is used to evaluate the performance of a specific position within the organization. If the departing employee has a Scorecard/Induction/Self Assessment checklist and a room setup, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Checklist and find the departing employee's Scorecard, which is usually labeled by position.

  2. Check the Schedule and delete the room named after the departing employee

  3. Click Settings, then click Aliases and remove the departing employee's name.

  4. Deactivate the Room named after the departing employee.

    Please refer to the "Site (Rooms)" article for reference.

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