Standard Pickup Cases
🚛 Case 1: Picking Up a Trailer (Not on a Load or Otherwise)
1️⃣ Open the Trailer Dashboard.
2️⃣ Tap "Pick Up" to begin.
3️⃣ Scan the trailer's QR code.
4️⃣ Choose one of the following:
🔍 Case 2: Checking If You Can Pick Up a Trailer
1️⃣ Open the Trailer Dashboard.
2️⃣ Tap "Can I Pick Up This Trailer?"
3️⃣ Scan the trailer's QR code.
4️⃣ Choose one of the following:
❓ Case 3: Picking Up a Trailer (When Unsure of Active Trailers On-Site)
1️⃣ Open the Trailer Dashboard.
2️⃣ Tap "Locate a Trailer."
3️⃣ Select a trailer from the available list.
4️⃣ Scan the trailer's QR code.
5️⃣ Choose one of the following:
🏭 Case 4: Picking Up a Trailer (During Check-In at a Facility)
1️⃣ Go to "Pick Up Loaded/Empty" in the app.
2️⃣ Tap "Find a New Trailer."
3️⃣ Locate and select a trailer from the list.
4️⃣ Scan the trailer's QR code.
5️⃣ Choose one of the following:
🚨 Outlier Cases & Error Handling
🔧 Case 1: Reporting a Trailer That Requires Maintenance
1️⃣ Tap "Report Damages."
2️⃣ Follow the prompts to create a maintenance ticket by selecting the appropriate category.
⚠ Case 2: Error Message – “You can't pick up a loaded trailer now because your stop needs an empty.”
1️⃣ Open the Trailer Dashboard.
2️⃣ Tap "Locate a Trailer."
3️⃣ Select the trailer from the list.
4️⃣ Tap "Update Status."
5️⃣ Tap "Pickup" to continue.
✅ Alternative Solution: You can also follow the “Can I Pick Up This Trailer?” workflow to avoid this issue.
🛑 Case 3: Error Message – “Asset is Not Available”
1️⃣ Open a chat with dispatch via Menu > Support > Something Else.
2️⃣ Share a screenshot of the error message.
3️⃣ Dispatch will assist you in proceeding with trailer pickup.