Navigating to the Insights page
Insights can be accessed through the Reporting tab at the top of your screen.
Click "Reporting" and click "Insights" to navigate to the Insights page.
Setting filters
By default, your insights are set to display from January 1, 2023 through today.
You can filter the insights using the drop downs.
β NOTE: The filters set will apply to all the charts on the Insights page. If you are not seeing the information you expect, check the filters and ensure they are set correctly.
To reset the filters, click the "Reset Filters" button in the top left corner of the screen.
Viewing Results
The filters set will impact all the charts on the Insights page.
On the Insights page, you can access data on the following:
Number of requests per month
Count and percentage of requests by service category
Count and percentage of requests by state
Count and percentage of requests by vendor
Count and percentage of requests by location
Count and percentage of requests by asset description
Count and percentage of requests by specific asset
At the bottom of the page there is a summary chart that shows the location, service category, vendor, asset, and date the request was created.
Click the Ticket Number listed in the Ticket Number column to view the request in the portal.