The Customer’s page will be a list of your companies active/archived customers. Every customer will have the ability to login and manage their bookings from their own account. You are able to perform many actions for a specific customer within their customer profile as well.
To open a customer’s profile:
select the people icon your left menu
select your customer’s name to open their profile
Navigating the Customer Profile
The customer profile is a great way to manage your clients and view all bookings on the customer level.
Manage Email Preferences
Edit Customer Information (name, email, phone, etc)
Add/Manage Multiple Addresses
Add/Manage Multiple Phone Numbers
Update Customer Payment Method
From the customer profile setting’s gear, there are a few actions you can take:
Edit Contact Info: Update your customer’s name, email address, and manage multiple phone numbers.
Send message: You can send your customer a direct email. The email sent to the customer will display the staff/admin user’s email address as the sender. If the customer responds to this email, the response will go the sender’s inbox.
Email Preferences: You can choose to unsubscribe your customer from receiving emails. You can also check your customer’s email preferences and see if they have unsubscribed from your emails. Sometimes if a client does not receive a reminder email for an upcoming cleaning, you can always check to make sure they didn’t accidentally unsubscribe.
Special Sales Tax: Assign a special sales tax or exempt the customer from sales tax here.
View Changes: The View Changes log is timestamp of all actions taken on the profile.
Send Confirm Account email: send/resend this notification to customer’s so they can confirm their account. Once they confirm their account, they will be able to set up their password and log in to view/manage bookings.
Block this customer: Block a customer from creating a booking and accessing their customer profile.
Archive account: remove a profile from active and deactivate the customer’s login credentials so they can no longer access the system. DATA IS SAVED AND PROFILE CAN BE UNARCHIVED BACK to ACTIVE.
For bookkeeping purposes, select the Archive Account option to access customer records if neededDelete account: permanently remove a customer and deactivate their login credentials so they no longer can access the system.
Multiple Addresses:
If your customer has multiple service addresses you can manage or create new addresses.
select the Settings Gear
Select Manage or Add Address
Your customer tags can be used to group/categorize your customers in the system. Some examples of tags that clients use for their customers are: “residential”, “Groupon”, etc. Learn more about Tags here.
You can add notes to the customer profile that only Admin and Staff should see. These notes are not attached to bookings and cannot be seen by customers or teams.
Referral Rewards
If you have this feature enabled in your account, you will be able to view this customer’s rewards info here.
Learn more about Referral Rewards here.
Payment Method
In this section you can view the last four digits of the credit card saved, choose which card to set as default, or add/remove credit cards.