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Cancel a Booking

keywords: remove booking, delete, cancel

Hanu Gouda avatar
Written by Hanu Gouda
Updated over 2 years ago

There are two ways of canceling a booking, either by Staff or the Customer can cancel their booking by logging into their account. There are Cancellation Policies and Fees you can customize, as well as Cancellation Emails to notify your customers of your policy and fees.

Booking Cancelled by Staff

Open the booking that you want to Cancel, and select Cancel Booking or Cancel Booking with Fee.

You have two choices when Cancelling a booking. If you have a Cancellation Policy you can choose to cancel the booking with the fee, or you can override the fee and just Cancel the booking.

If you choose to Cancel the booking with the fee, you will see the fee on your Charge Customers page:

Read more about Cancellations below:

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