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How to Create a Surcharge

What is a Surcharge and How to Create Surcharges?

Updated over a week ago

What is a Surcharge? 

A Surcharge is an additional charge or payment that can be applied to an order item. This could be delivery charges, a cleaning charge or insurance or anything else you require. Surcharges allow you to automatically add a percentage or fixed amount per product added to an order. 

Surcharges are set up in System Setup and configured against your rental products. They can be enabled or disabled against each product on your order.

Surcharge Groups

You’ll first want to create a surcharge group, which is a way of categorising your surcharges. For example, you might apply a “Cleaning Charge” to your products, but you may have different charges depending on the products that are being cleaned. Therefore, you may have specific surcharge groups to apply to products. 

Get Started


To set up surcharges, head to System Setup > Surcharges. Hit the blue Add Surcharge button and fill out the fields. 

  • Surcharge Name - Enter the name of surcharge 

  • Default Surcharge - This is the default within the surcharge group, it will be the first on the list in the selection 

  • Description - Enter any further information regarding the surcharge 

  • General Ledger Template - General ledger template is a method to track financial records, you may have specific Surcharge General Ledger Templates for more information on General Ledgers, please see our guide

  • Surcharge Group - This is the group the surcharge belongs to

Rate Type:

  • Percentage Before Discount – This will enable you to add the surcharge as a percentage of the order item rate before any discounts are applied 

  • Percentage After Discount - This will enable you to add the surcharge as a percentage of the order item rate after any discounts are applied

  • Amount – This enables you to enter a specified amount for the surcharge 

  • Rate - This is based on whether you select a percentage or amount option. This is the % of the Order Item Rate or a specific amount for example £100 

  • Tax Class  - Categories or classifications that you set against your products and accounts.

When you've finished, hit the green Add Surcharge button.

Apply surcharges to products

Once set up, when creating products, you can choose the surcharges that apply to the Product. 

Edit & Delete Surcharges

To edit surcharges, head to System Setup > Surcharges, find the surcharge that you’d like to edit in the list and click on the it to make any changes. 

You can also delete a surcharge too. You can only delete them when they haven't been associated to an order or invoice. 

To delete the surcharge, click the bin icon and it will pop up a menu to ensure you are happy to delete this surcharge, simply say yes if you are! 

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