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What is an Invoice?

What is an Invoice and Stages of Invoicing

Updated over 9 months ago

An invoice is a document issued by you to the customer. It provides details about a sale or products, including the quantities, costs, and any special terms. 

Creating invoices in OnRent is easy from initial draft creation through to posting an invoice to your accounts package. The invoices can be created in a variety of methods:

  • From a rental order where you can stipulate

  • From a works order

  • Manually

  • During a batch invoice run (which usually takes place at the end of a week or month)

Once a rental order has been setup and delivered, this enables recurring invoicing / billing which takes place through a batch invoice run process, until the items on the rental order are returned.

The rental invoices will denote whether the items on them continue to charge or are off-rented (terminated charging). This makes it easier for your customers to understand what they need to do from a purchasing perspective.

How does the process work?

To help you manage each step of the invoicing life cycle, there's four main stages of an invoice in OnRent: 

  • Draft

  • Confirmed Invoice

  • Issued Invoice

  • Posted Invoice

These are represented by icons that starts with a circle that develops into a tick as you bring your invoice closer to completion.

You can also void or cancel an invoice and raise credits against invoices if required.

What are the Draft, Confirmed, Issued and Posted stages?

There are five stages that can be applied to an invoice, you might use them for: 


  • When you create an invoice, it will have the status of Draft. This is an open/unconfirmed invoice that can be be deleted at any time

  • A Draft invoice can be Confirmed, Issued, Posted or Deleted


  • This is a confirmed invoice that now has an assigned document number

  • Once the invoice is confirmed it can never go back to 'Draft' and cannot be deleted

  • The invoice can still be amended and items can be added, removed or updated

  • A Confirmed invoice can be Issued or Posted


  • The invoice has been issued/sent to the customer

  • Once the invoice is issued it can never go back to 'Confirmed' or 'Draft' and cannot be deleted

  • The invoice can still be amended and items can be added, removed and updated

  • An Issued invoice can be Posted


  • The invoice has now been posted to the associated accounts package (or an exported CSV file has been created where not linked to an accounts package) and is locked

  • A posted invoice cannot be amended in anyway, items cannot be added, removed or updated


  • The invoice has been voided (cancelled)

  • An invoice can be set to void when at status confirmed or issued

  • A voided invoice cannot be amended in anyway

  • You can regenerate a voided invoice as long as its the latest invoice in a sequence

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