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Pendant Onboarding
Step 1: Benefits Documentation
Step 1: Benefits Documentation
Updated over a week ago

To help us get started with your custom site we need only one thing: benefits documents. This sheet will help you assemble and submit them.

What documents shall I send?

Consider some or all of the following:

  • New hire packet

  • Onboarding documents

  • Insurance disclosures

  • Screenshots or a login from a benefits portal

  • A list of any other benefits you offer such as time off policies, dress code, tuition reimbursement, etc.

Should I organize the documents?

No, don't bother. We're pros at making sense of your benefits. If we have questions, we'll ask!

Where do I upload the documents?

Your Pendant representative will send you a Dropbox link where you may securely upload your documents.

What format shall I send them in?

You may upload PDFs, Word documents, spreadsheets, images—anything that may be helpful.

What about benefits that don't have documentation?

Most organizations have these! (That's what we're here for.) They typically include fringe benefits like service PTO days or snacks in the kitchen. Email your list to your Pendant representative, and do your best to include everything that could be considered a benefit. Keep the list simple—we'll take care of the details.

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