Step: 3 The Review
Updated over a week ago

Prior to launching your Pendant site, it's important to review the content together. Here we will:

  1. Make sure you are able to access Pendant

  2. Carefully review the site content

  3. Show you how to invite other employees, make changes, and do other admin-y things

Who should attend The Review?

Ideally whoever is most responsible for administering benefits at your organization. The smaller the group, the more efficient the review. Your content can always be improved by others in the future.

How long will it take?

Plan an hour.

Is this the last time we can review?

No. One or two reviews typically suffice, but we'll work on new drafts of the content as much as you think is necessary prior to launch.

Who is responsible for the content after the review?

We continue improving the content until you're satisfied it's ready for launch. After that, you'll be able to handle small updates easily. Having said that, we're still here to help!

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