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RLSS UK Account User Interface v4.1 Instructions (2020)
Create a new candidate course in the usual way detailed in How to Register a Course.
Changes to validity periods.
When you get to the edit course details page you will notice that in the details section there is no date option.
The following course types have a validity period of one year from the date of registration.
• Bronze Lifesaving Certificate
• Bronze Star Pool
• Bronze Star Beach
• Bronze Star Open Water
• Bronze Medallion Pool
• Bronze Medallion Beach
• Bronze Medallion Open Water
Lifesaving Sport:
• Lifesaving Sport I
• Lifesaving Sport II – Line Throw
• Lifesaving Sport II – Manikin Carry
• Lifesaving Sport II – Manikin Tow
• Lifesaving Sport II – Obstacles
This means that you will only need to raise one course per year and can load all of your candidates on to it. If you advertise the course to the public, then the course will show as ongoing for the entire validity period of the course.
Changes to credit allocation
Candidates can be booked on to the course in the usual way as detailed in How to Add Candidates onto Courses.
Credit allocation has been improved so that candidates can have credits allocated against them individually when they are ready to be put through.
To allocate a credit against a specific candidate please scroll to the bottom of the bookings page, click the check box next to the candidate you want to add a credit against and then click "Apply". You can still allocate credits against all unpaid candidates (providing sufficient credits are available) by clicking "Auto Allocate" and then "Apply".
Submitting results
To put through the results for a specific candidate, first make sure a result is showing against the candidate, then click the check box next to the candidate’s name and then click "Create Course Report".
This will then open a dialogue box where you can enter an achievement date (can be the current date or a past date) and then click "Create Course Report".
In the next pop-up box, either click "Yes" to submit the information or click "No" if you need to go back and make changes.
At this point you will notice that the candidate has disappeared from the page.
This is because the default view only shows currently booked but not completed bookings. To see all bookings click the "Show All Bookings" button.
RLSS UK Account User Interface v4.2 Instructions (2024)
1. Login to your RLSS UK Account and begin to register a course as normal. See user guide here.
Tip: All National Lifesaving academy courses are setup as ongoing courses including Lifesaving Sport, also all Advertise Only courses.
2. There is nowhere to enter a start and finish date as the start date is the date the courses is registered and the finish date is exactly 12 months later.
Tip: There are 2 main advantages of ongoing courses.
They appear on course finder for the entire validity period of the course.
You can submit candidates as and when they complete with different completion dates.
3. Applying credits has been changed so that you can apply them to individual candidates by clicking the checkbox next to their name in the events credits section and then hitting the "Apply" button.
4. Submission of results has also been changed. Enter the result in the usual way as per the user guide here then click the checkbox to the left of the candidate's profile picture.
Tip: This can be completed for multiple candidates at the same time as long as they have the same assessment date.
5. Click "Create Course Report".
6. Click the "Achievement Date" field.
7. Click the date required.
8. Click "Create Course Report".
9. Click "Yes" to submit the result.
10. The candidates will disappear from the screen as it show's only current unsubmitted bookings by default. Click "Show All Bookings" to see anyone that has been submitted.
11. This will then show you all candidates including achievement date and submission date for submitted candidates.