If you primarily use Deals in HubSpot, you will notice that you are not able to define your Status Rules using Deal properties (such as Deal stage). There is a simple way to update a Company property in HubSpot using Deal properties. You can set this up using Workflows in HubSpot --> HubSpot help guide here.
From HubSpot you can access Workflows, then set up a basic workflow so that a Company property, such as Lifecycle stage, is updated based on a Deal property.
Step 1) At the Company level, create a text property for example - reseller__c
Go to your account Settings
On the left menu, select Properties
In the Properties page, select on drop down menu: “Company properties”
Click the orange button to Create property
Create a text property called reseller__c
Step 2) Set up a flow that will automatically update Company records
1. Start a new Deal-based flow
From the top menu, go to Automation > Workflows
Click Create workflow
In the left panel, select Start from Scratch > Deal-based
2. Define the trigger step
In your workflow builder, click Set up triggers
Under Filter type, click Deal
Enter the field in your Deal records that represents the Reseller partner
In this example, the field at the Deal level is named ‘Reseller partner’ and it is a checkbox field.
3. Define the action step
Click + to build the next step in the flow
Scroll the list and select Set property value
Enter the form fields as shown below
The final flow should look like this:
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