Frequently asked questions about plan and billing

Updated this week

1. Is SaveDay available for free?

Absolutely! Dive right into our Basic Plan at zero cost. It comes with unlimited saved items, searches, highlights, notes, and so on.
Note: The use of getting key points and Q&A features is limited, but you still get some free credits each month

2. Is there a trial period for SaveDay?

While we don't offer a traditional trial period, we provide a free basic plan that allows you to experience our platform's core features at no charge

3. What are the differences in the "Get key points" feature between the free plan and the paid plans, specifically Essential and Elite?

On the free plan, you're limited to extracting key points for up to 14,000 tokens of text. This is roughly equivalent to the length of a video less than one hour long. However, with paid plans such as Essential and Elite, this allowance increases to 64,000 tokens. This upgrade is significant, as it's approximately 5 times more than the free plan's limit. In practical terms, it means you can extract key points from texts spanning video lengths ranging from 2 to 5 hours, depending on the density of information within the content

4. What is the difference between the Essential and Elite plans?

The Essential plan is great for users who need more than the basic features but don't require unlimited Q&A credits. The Elite plan is ideal for users who seek the maximum capability and flexibility from SaveDay, including unlimited Q&A and the best support options available

5. What are the payment options?

We accept all major credit and debit card brands on the web app. On the mobile app, we offer flexible payment options tailored to your country, available through the Apple App Store for iOS devices and the Google Play Store for Android devices

6. Can I change my payment method?

Of course!

  • On the Web App: You can update your payment method anytime in your billing settings

  • On the Mobile App:

    • Apple (iOS): Follow the instructions here to update your payment method

    • Google Play (Android): Follow the instructions here to update your payment method

7. Can I manage subscriptions across platforms?

No, you have to manage your subscriptions on the same platform where you signed up. You can’t upgrade, downgrade, or cancel from a different platform than the one you used to buy it

8. Can I change the payment account associated with my SaveDay subscription?

No, one payment account (whether it's an Apple account, Google Play account, or Stripe) can only be associated with one SaveDay account. You cannot change your subscription to be associated with a different payment account unless you cancel your subscription successfully, at which point your account will revert to the basic plan. Once your plan reverts to basic, you can change to a different payment platform account

9. How do refunds work?

  • Web app: If you think you made a mistake signing up for a paid SaveDay plan, please contact us via email at billing@save.day. We will be happy to refund the full amount if you cancel your plan within 14 days of signing up, whether it's a monthly or yearly plan

  • Mobile app (iOS, Android): All charges for in-app purchases are nonrefundable, and there are no refunds or credits for partially used periods. It is up to the discretion of the processor (Google Play or Apple) to successfully process the refund request. If you’d like a refund for a SaveDay subscription, please be sure to cancel your subscription prior to your refund request (instructions here)

    • Apple (iOS): Follow the instructions here

    • Google Play (Android): Follow the instructions here

10. How can I apply for a Student offer?

You can apply for a Student offer by filling out our form at SaveDay Student offer

Note: The student offer only applies when you purchase through our web app. However, once purchased, you can still use the plan on your mobile device

11. What happens if my card declines?

If your card declines, our system will attempt to charge the expired card seven times within 14 days. If unsuccessful, your account will be changed to a Basic plan. If you remove your card, you'll be moved to the Basic plan immediately

12. What if I remove my card and don't update it in the billing cycle?

If you remove your card and do not update it during the billing cycle, your subscription will be automatically downgraded to the Basic plan. It's important to ensure your payment information is up-to-date to avoid disruptions to your subscription

13. How can I contact SaveDay support for assistance about billing and plans?

For support regarding payment and billing inquiries, you can reach out to us via email at billing@save.day. We're here to help with any questions or concerns you may have

14. How does SaveDay handle security and data privacy?

We are currently in the process of achieving HIPAA, GPDR and SOC 2 compliance, industry-standard certifications that verify our dedication to keeping your data safe and secure. It means that we are implementing stringent security protocols and procedures to protect your data from unauthorized access, theft, and misuse

You can access all our privacy policy information by visiting this link: save.day/privacy-policy

15. What's the difference between SaveDay and ChatGPT?

SaveDay is designed to be a trustworthy and personalized tool that helps you develop rational thoughts, using relevant facts from your collection item. This means its responses are more tailored to you, unlike tools like ChatGPT, which can produce incorrect or irrelevant outputs, known as hallucinations

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