Mobile app FAQs

Frequently asked questions about mobile app

Updated over a week ago

How do I download and install the SaveDay mobile app?

You can download the SaveDay mobile app from the App Store for iOS devices or the Google Play Store for Android devices. Simply search for "SaveDay" and follow the installation prompts. Alternatively, you can access the apps directly through the following links:

How can I create a SaveDay account?

When you open the app, you can quickly log in using your Google or Apple account. This makes accessing SaveDay fast and aligns with our focus on providing value promptly

Is my data secure in the SaveDay app?

Yes, we take the security of your data seriously. We are currently in the process of achieving HIPAA, GPDR and SOC 2 compliance, industry-standard certifications that verify our dedication to keeping your data safe and secure. It means that we are implementing stringent security protocols and procedures to protect your data from unauthorized access, theft, and misuse. Your information is safe with us πŸ”
You can access all our privacy policy information by visiting this link:

How can I contact SaveDay support for assistance?

In the "Support" section of the Settings page, you can find information on how to get started, FAQs, and a Feedback form. For specific inquiries, you can contact our support team via email at or join our community for faster support on We're here to help!

Can I use SaveDay offline?

SaveDay offers offline functionality for certain features. You can access your saved items and perform limited actions even when offline. However, please note that some features may require an internet connection to function properly

How can I access premium features on SaveDay?

  • While SaveDay offers various plans tailored to users' needs, including the Elite Plan with unlimited Canvas Q&A and priority support, accessing premium features via mobile isn't currently supported. However, these features will be available on mobile in the near future. In the meantime, users can still enjoy the free features on mobile

  • To access premium features, such as Canvas Q&A, users can visit our web app at Additionally, students can benefit from a 50% discount on the monthly plan and an extra 30% off on the yearly plan. For more details on pricing and plans, please refer to

Can I sync SaveDay across multiple devices?

Yes, you can sync SaveDay across multiple devices. Log in with the same account on different devices, and your saved items and preferences will be synchronized

How often does SaveDay release updates, and how do I stay informed?

SaveDay strives to provide regular updates for enhanced user experience. Stay informed about updates by checking the Public Roadmap in the "Contribute Ideas" section and following our official channels on social media

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