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Understanding the Dates and Fees page

How do I use the Dates and Fees page?

Updated over a week ago

The Dates and Fees page is where you will be able to determine important information related to your school program(s) of interest, such as:

  • The required Casper test type

  • Possible test dates and times

  • Distribution deadlines

  • Required ID numbers to make a reservation

  • The specific applicant categories, where applicable

  • The associated testing fees

To get started, use the drop-down menus and selection boxes on the left-hand side of the page to:

  1. Select a country

  2. Select a language (for Canadian programs only)

  3. Select an admissions cycle

  4. Select a test time zone to display

  5. Select a program type

  6. Select individual schools

The information presented on the right-hand side will automatically update after making or changing your selections. You can use the “Start over” button to clear your selections and begin again.

Please note that you must first choose a country before you are able to make selections using the Language and Admissions cycle drop-down menus. Additionally, it is not necessary to select individual schools in order to search for the required Casper test type for a program.

Search results will be displayed on the right-hand side of the page, starting with the Casper test type required for your selected programs (e.g., Canadian Professional Health Sciences (CSP-10201)).

Once you have searched for a school, you’ll be presented with the associated testing fees for that particular Casper test type and the last test date for the school(s) selected. If a final testing opportunity for one or more of the schools selected has passed, it will be noted here.

A table will also appear with the testing opportunities for each school selected, distribution deadlines, any ID requirements, and relevant school information.

To help reduce confusion regarding time zones, applicants are now given the opportunity to have the test dates presented in their specific time zone by making a selection during Step 4 of the search process.

Please note that if you select “Local time” in Step 4, the test dates will be displayed in the time zone set on your computer.

The distribution deadline refers to the final day an applicant can add a school program to the distribution list of a completed relevant Casper test.

To reserve a Casper test or to add a school program to your distribution list, you must provide the required ID numbers stated on the Dates and Fees page. These ID numbers are provided by school programs or application portals when you have completed the necessary application steps.

If you need additional help, you may wish to refer to the following help articles:

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