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How to Create a Group Session

Are you a mentor trying to figure out how to create a group session? Look no further!

Updated over 5 months ago

Group sessions are a great way to impart knowledge to more people for the same time. If I may say so myself, it's also a good way to promote your mentorship to members in our platform.

Note: Only mentors can create group sessions.

To get started on creating a group session, simply click on the downward arrow on the Create Session button on the menu bar:

Clicking on this button will give you the option to create a 1:1 session or a group session. Select Group Session.

This will then step-by-step prompts and instructions on how to create a session. Where you'll be asked for the following:

  • Which app/software you'd like to use for your group session (you can use ADPList video or other services like Google Meet, Zoom etc.)

  • Upload a session banner (optional step but highly recommended to do!)

  • Session name

  • Session description

  • Session schedule (date and time)

  • Number of max attendees (up to 5000 for ADPList video)

  • Topic of expertise

  • Session interest area (you can choose more than 1)

After you've answered all the fields above (all are required fields except for the session banner), simply click on the Publish Session button and your group session is ready to go!

Your session should appear on ADPList's Group Session page and on your Group Sessions page

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