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Creating Native Ad
AdProfex avatar
Written by AdProfex
Updated over a week ago

Go to the Campaign section and find the «Create an Ad» button in the upper right corner.

Use macros (city, day, region, month) when writing a title. This helps to personalize it and make it more interesting to the user.

Note that on the right you can see how the ad will look to users (Ad preview window).

To determine the cost per click, use the “Network volumes” section. This function allows you to estimate the volume of traffic by GEO, taking into account different targets, and determine the optimal cost per click for your ad, thanks to the display of CPC (minimum and optimal).

Set a limit for the ad and check the box «Don't run post-moderation announcement» if you want to launch the advertising campaign manually.

Click “Submit” and wait for the ad moderation. We launch it manually when we deem it necessary.


Now native advertising format is used. This means that the ad fits into website's content as if it is as a part of its content.

For a teaser you can use any image you like. For further processing use the internal editor. Recommended image resolution is at least 492×328, JPEG format.

The ad size depends on the specific site. All ads participate in the auction equally, regardless of the size.

The ad can be placed at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the article, as well as on the right sidebar.

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