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All CollectionsPostBack integrations
Postback Integration (Keitaro)
Postback Integration (Keitaro)
AdProfex avatar
Written by AdProfex
Updated over 8 months ago

This instruction assumes that postback between Keitaro and the affiliate network (advertiser) has already been configured according to the instructions in the Postback | Keitaro

1. Make sure that the {externalid} macro is configured in the Keitaro traffic source.

In Keitaro, you need to set the parameter external_id=[CLICK_ID] on the “Sources” tab of traffic or in the campaign settings in the “Parameters” tab.

2. Get a link to register conversions in your personal account in the "Events" section.

Select Keitaro from the list of trackers to get postback links.

The system returns the link like:


3. The final step will be setting up s2s postback between the advertising network and Keitaro.

At the campaign level:

  1. Go to your campaign settings.

  2. Open the S2S Postbacks tab.

  3. Click Add external postback.

  4. URL — enter the address received in step 2.

  5. The sending method is GET.

  6. Status — at what conversion statuses to send a postback.

At the source level:

S2S postback traffic source | Keitaro is recommended to set the link at the campaign level.

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