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Common Issues with DAS & Solutions
Chelsea J avatar
Written by Chelsea J
Updated over a week ago

When to take a second sample?

A second sample is required if:

  • there is insufficient urine provided for the instant urine screening to meet the manufacturers specification for quantity of urine sufficient to produce a result for the testing device. i.e. If control lines do not appear on the testing device. This could be due to insufficient volume, the nature of the fluid being tested, or a faulty test device.

  • there was sufficient for integrity testing, but a non-negative urine screening requires confirmation and there is insufficient urine to split into the 3 collection tubes.

  • there was sufficient for integrity testing, but for the laboratory urine testing to be performed, the applicant has not provided enough urine to split into the 3 collection tubes.

  • on initial integrity testing, the creatinine, colour or temperature is abnormal on a urine screening, a second sample will need to be requested. Do not discard as this needs to be sent to the laboratory for confirmation testing (separately, but with the second collection).

  • adulterants are detected. Do not discard this specimen as this needs to be sent to the laboratory Please note the minimum urine required for testing is ~5ml in one tube and 5 ml in the remaining two tubes.

The applicant is unable to void

If an applicant is unable to pass an adequate urine sample, due to a ‘shy bladder’, other medical condition, or urinary retention at the point of collection, then all opened urine devices given to the applicant must be discarded appropriately and applicant advised that they need to hydrate with water provided by the clinic and remain on the premises to complete the testing procedure.

The applicant must remain where they can be observed i.e. they can sit in the waiting room to be observed by Reception staff while they consume water provided by the clinic. If a sufficient sample is not provided within 2 hours of the first attempt, the 2nd line should be ticked, and comment added "Unable to provide a suitable sample within xx hours of first request".

If the applicant leaves the clinic prior to producing a sample, it is considered a refusal to do a drug and alcohol test. Please complete detailed notes and advise KINNECT.

The LAB DAS pathway when the applicant fails to void an adequate volume

  • Package the first sample (inadequate volume) IMMEDIATELY to send to the lab with a COC form.

  • Complete an integrity check, and if the volume provided is <~5ml put it in one tube only, if 6-14ml split into 3 tubes.

  • If there is insufficient volume to complete an integrity check, this is considered the equivalent to “no sample” and the standard hydration protocol is followed. The applicant should be advised to remain on premises in a waiting room where they can be observed by reception staff and drink water.

  • Provide a new unopened LAB DAS pot for each attempt. Once second sample has been obtained with adequate volume for the split kit (15ml TOTAL) package up and send to lab with a COC form. If the second collection is also an inadequate volume, complete the integrity check and package as above. This will mean you have 2 separate split kits and 2 separate COC forms.

LAB DAS or INSTANT DAS pathways for adequate volume but adulterant / integrity failure.

  • Package the first sample IMMEDIATELY with a COC form.

  • Request the applicant will need to provide a second urine sample.

  • Advise the applicant to remain on premises in waiting room where they can be observed by reception staff and drink water.

  • Once a second sample has been obtained, check for adulterants / integrity failure.

  • Then package it up with a COC form. This will mean you have 2 separate split kits and 2 separate COC forms.

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