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Types of Drug and Alcohol Screening
Chelsea J avatar
Written by Chelsea J
Updated over 6 months ago

Purpose: Screen for drug and alcohol use

Who can complete: Nurse or trained allied health professional (National Association of Training Authority Australia (NATA) accreditation recommended but not required).

Time to complete: 10 - 15 minutes

Equipment: Breathalyser, urine testing cup, urinalysis strip, adulterant checking card, suitable toilet facilities and prepared collection site, chain of custody forms.

*Please note: The collector must always sight a photo ID.

Types of Screening

Instants DAS (Most Commonly Booked)

An instant testing cup is required plus a breathalyser reading for alcohol. Each testing cup may be different, but generally, the presence of a line on the results strip indicates a negative result, and each drug class will have a separate line. The control lines MUST appear to ensure the testing kit is working.

Breathalyser - If there is a breathalyser reading of more than 0.00% but less than 0.02% BAC, the candidate should be offered the opportunity to repeat the test in 15 minutes as a confirmatory test.

If the second breathalyser reading is a positive result (>0.02-0.05%) please contact KINNECT immediately who will notify the client and the client will decide whether testing can continue. If the second reading is >0.05% all testing must be ceased immediately - please notify KINNECT.

Urine samples - the urine sample does not require direct supervision however the assessor is to remain within earshot and the applicant is to remove all items from pockets and leave any other items (coats, hate, handbags etc.), outside of the collection area.

The assessor will also be required to complete a visual inspection of the colour of the urine (as per the charge on the right) and enter this information into the Carelever Form/Paperwork where prompted.


This should be completed after the urine is tested for drugs. You will require Diagnostic Urinalysis Strips, which include test pads for protein, blood, leukocytes, nitrate, glucose, ketone, pH, specific gravity, bilirubin and urobilinogen. Or any combination of the above.

Oral Fluid DAS

This is rarely requested. Ensure the applicant provides a sufficient saliva sample to ensure the kit works adequately.


Package the urine sample as per pathology contacts agreement and fill in the chain of custody form correctly. Take a photo (or scan) of this and email it to KINNECT for proof of collection (if using Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology, please inform the Affiliate Relationship team to update notes).

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