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Point of Purchase - Receive/Issue
Updated over a week ago

The receive/issue screen in Akada Online allows you to adjust the quantity of an inventory item in your database. When adding new inventory from a shipment or possibly a return you will use receive. You might use the issue option for an item if you are making an adjustment after conducting inventory or have simply given an item to a student for some reason.

Receiving an Item:

  • Once in the Point of purchase click on the Manage Inventory option at the top of the screen.

  • Click on Receive/Issue.

  • Click the receive button to the right of the item.

  • Set the correct date.

  • Use the reference field to make a note if needed.

  • Enter the quantity received.

  • Enter the cost paid the for item.*

  • If you would like to print labels for the item check the box.**

  • Click the OK button.

  • You will be returned to the receive/issue screen where you will see the quantity on hand has been updated.

*If the unit cost (what the studio paid) for the item has changed and you still have items on hand from the previous cost you may want to consider adding the item as a new item or waiting until you have 0 on hand before receiving the item at the new cost. Receiving the item using a new cost will update the cost for any that were already on hand which can throw off the point of purchase profit report.

**If you checked the box to print labels when receiving items the print dialogue window will appear after clicking the OK button.

Issuing an Item:

  • Once in the Point of purchase click on the Manage Inventory option at the top of the screen.

  • Click on Receive/Issue.

  • Click the issue button to the right of the item.

  • Set the correct date.

  • Use the reference field to make a note if needed.

  • Enter the quantity to issue.

  • Enter the cost paid the for item.

  • Click the OK button.

  • You will be returned to the receive/issue screen where you will see the quantity on hand has been updated.

Details: Clicking the details option will give you a history of an item. Located below the inventory list you will be able to see when, why, and how many of the items were added or removed from the inventory.

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