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Point of Purchase - Product List
Updated over a week ago

The product list screen gives you a place to view and manage your list of inventory items. Here you can add or remove items, update descriptions or item codes, and print labels for an individual item.

Add Button - Use this button to add new items to your inventory list.

Copy - The copy button allows you to quickly replicate an item. This can be helpful when adding the same product maybe in a different color or size.

Edit - The edit option allows you to make basic changes or corrections to an item such as a color or the price.*

Print Labels - Here you can print labels to place on your merchandiser. These labels can include an item description, department name, list or sale price, and a bar code that can be used to make the sale.

Delete - Use this option to remove an inventory item from your database.

Sorting/Filtering the Product List - You can easily change the way your product list is sorted by clicking on any of the headers in the list. For example, clicking on the color header will allow you to put all of the reds together. When you click on the header you'll see an arrow pointing up to indicate the list is sorted in ascending order. If you click that header again the list will then be sorted in descending order and the arrow will point down.

You may also use the drop-down menu above the item list to choose to only display items in a specific department.

*The item cost (the price the studio pays) of an item can not be edited.

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