Point of Purchase - Reports
Updated over a week ago

The Inventory Reports page found in the manage inventory menu provides you with the reports you may need to help manage your product inventory.

Inventory Listing by Department - The report provides you with a complete list of your inventory sorted by department name. Included will be the product code (item number), description, style, color, size, quantity on hand, item cost, and total item cost (number on hand x item cost = total cost).

Inventory Listing by Product Code - This is the same report as above sorted by the product code.

Price List by Department - This is a price list of all of your inventory items sorted by the department name. Each department will start on its own page.

Price List by Description - This is a price list of all of your inventory items sorted alphabetically by item name.

Price List by Vendor - This is a price list of all of your inventory items sorted by the vendor.

Low Stock by Department - This report will provide you with a list of items that have fallen to or below their minimum quantity sorted by department.

Low Stock by Description - This report will provide you with a list of items that have fallen to or below their minimum quantity sorted by the item description.

Low Stock by Vendor - This report will provide you with a list of items that have fallen to or below their minimum quantity sorted by the vendor name.

Transaction Listing for Selected Department - This report provides you with a complete listing of all transactions for a specific department within a chosen date range. Once you have selected this report the date range options and list of departments will be displayed on the screen.

Transaction Listing for Selected Item - This report provides you with a complete listing of all transactions for a specific item within a chosen date range. Once you have selected this report the date range options and list of departments will be displayed on the screen.

Product Labels - The product labels give you the ability to print inventory labels for all or for specific items. Once chosen your product list will appear to the right and you can enter the number of labels needed for each item. This report works with Avery 5160 (3 across) or 5161 (2 across) labels.

*If you are looking for reports pertaining to Point of Purchase sales click on the reports tab and select Financial reports.

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