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Point of Purchase - Inventory Setup
Updated over a week ago

When adding an item to your product list you will find four drop-down menus for the department, style, size, and color. The inventory setup screen is where you control the options that appear in these drop-down menus.

Department List - Use the department list to break merchandise down into smaller groups. It is best to keep the departments in more broad terms such as shoes or apparel. You will use the other drop-downs to make items more specific. There is no need to create super-specific departments such as "Size 9 Brown Shoes."

Managing Your Department List:

  • Edit - Use the edit link to the right of an item to make changes to any of the information about that department.

  • Delete - Use the option to remove the department from your list. If the department is already attached to any item in your inventory list you will need to edit those items and change the department. Then delete it from your department setup.

Adding a Department:

  • Click on the Point of Purchase tab.

  • Click on the Manage Inventory option.

  • Click Setup listed at the top of the screen.

  • Click the Add Department button.

  • The Department setup window will appear.


  • Enter a department name (up to 8 characters).

  • Enter a description.

  • Enter your inventory, cost, and sales general ledger numbers (g/l).*

  • Use the drop-down menu to choose the correct tax to apply.

  • Click the Save button.

  • Your department will now appear on the list.

*If you plan to use the inventory functions in QuickBooks be sure that these g/l numbers match the corresponding accounts in Quickbooks.

Style, Size List, Color List - The options and the associated functions work the same way as the department list.

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