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Text Messaging
Updated over a week ago

Akada gives you the ability to send text messages to your subscribed customers, students, and staff. This can be a handy way to get important announcements out quickly and in a manner that most people will read instantly. Things like class cancellations or weather-related studio closings can be sent out with just a few clicks. The instructions below will you show you how to set up and then send a text message.

When you set up your texting you will be asked to submit your studio's information for texting verification with our texting partner Twillo. Once your studio has been verified you will be able to send texts to subscribed accounts, staff, and students. You'll be assigned a random number in your area code that your parents can then save to their contacts. The texts are limited to 160 characters and this will prevent you from needing to enter your studio name each time.

Setting up Text Messaging:

  • Click on the Hamburger menu (3 lines) in the top left corner of the Akada Screen.

  • Select Texting.

  • Select Texting Setup.

  • You will now see the screen pictured above.

  • Choose your country.

  • Enter the preferred Area Code.

  • Click Request a Number.

  • The number you're assigned will be the number all text messages come from.

  • Click Save.

  • Now you're ready to Text.

Reply Message and Releasing a Number:

Now that you've been assigned a phone number to text from you can set up a reply message. Texting through Akada Software is one way. Setting up this message allows you to create an automated response to your customer in case someone replies to your text message.

If you should decide you don't want to send texts through Akada for some reason you can simply click the "Release Number" button. Once you release a number you will not be able to get that number back.


Sending a Text

  • Once you've set up your texting you will be taken to the screen pictured above (You'll only have to do the setup 1 time).

  • Click Enter Recipients.


  • Choose the recipients you'd like to text.*

  • Click the X to return to the send screen where you'll see your recipients loaded.

  • Type your text message in the Message field.

  • Click Send.

Tip: Once you have your texting setup we recommend sending an introductory text to all of your clients letting them know that it is you and ask them to add the number to their contacts so when you send texts in the future it will come up as your name on their phones. You can also use this opportunity to explain that text messages are one-way and that you can't monitor replies.

*To ensure text messages are sent to the correct contact number, select Parent 1 and/or Parent 2. This selection will pull all cell phone numbers to be texted. To select multiple accounts you can click to highlight one name, then hold down your control key (or command key on a Mac) and click to highlight the other names you wish to send to.

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