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Posting Late Fees
Updated over a week ago

Akada gives you the ability to post late fees to an entire billing frequency or to all accounts at the same time. With this tool you are able to tell the program the types of unpaid charges the late fee should look like and during what range of dates.

To Post Late Fees:

  • Select Post Charges under the financial section at the far left of the screen.

  • Select Late Fee on the left.

  • Choose the billing frequency that you wish the late fees to be applied to (you may also choose all).

  • Enter the date to appear on the charge and edit the description if necessary.

  • Check the boxes to apply prior payments or credits, allow to be paid online, or not to use any discount assigned as needed.

  • Next check or uncheck the boxes for the types of unpaid charges to be included.

  • Check the box to specify and enter a specific date range of unpaid charges*.

  • Scroll down to review and confirm late fee posting.


  • Use the grid to review the late fees that will be applied to the accounts.**

  • You may edit the late charge amount by double-clicking on it and typing in a new amount. The new edited amount will show up in red.

  • When satisfied with the charges click the Post Charges button.

  • When complete a pop-up will appear confirming the number and total amount of charges posted.

  • Click Okay to close the pop-up.

  • The late fees will now appear in the Posting History on the top right of the screen.***

*The program is designed to create one late charge for each unpaid charge within the given date range.

**Clicking the arrow next to the account name will expand the section allowing you to see more detail of what unpaid charges are included in the late fee.

***You may delete an entire late fee posting using the Delete link in the posting history.

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