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Integrated Payment Terminals
Integrated Payment Terminals

Serve clients efficiently with a WiFi terminal that automatically updates payment details in SmartRec.

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over 4 months ago

❗ The Pax A920 Pro supports Bell and AT&T Sim cards only

We've integrated the hand-held Pax A920 payment terminal (with built-in printer) to give you the mobility to securely process credit cards on the fly and update the payment details directly in SmartRec, with no manual input required!

The Pax A920 supports chip & pin, chip & signature, card swiping and tap for contactless credit card payments, as well as payments from e-wallets (e.g. Google Pay, Apple Pay, etc.). Admins can use the integrated terminal to process payments from the store, the Point of Sale or in the client's billing.

Don't have an integrated terminal? Click here to learn how to order and get started! Note that this model is only available to Amilia Payment/Paysafe customers.

How it Works

5. FAQ

1. Verify that the Terminal is Connected in SmartRec

The Pax A920 terminal(s) should already be linked to your organization's SmartRec account upon receipt. Charge it, switch it on and connect it to your WiFi network.

View your connected terminal(s) in the Account>Terminals subtab. You may change a device's alias at any time by clicking the field to update the name. This name is visible when you select the terminal at checkout, in Point of Sale, and in the client's billing.

Why won't my terminal connect to WiFi?

A new update from Paysafe requires all terminals to use a secure, password protected WiFi network. Terminals will not connect to public WiFi. Cellular hotspots won't work.

2. Use the Terminal at Checkout

Since the Pax A920 is integrated with SmartRec, you'll have the option to use the terminal at checkout when making a purchase on behalf of your client.

The integrated terminal cannot be used for subscriptions or installments.

  • At step 3 of the checkout, select Pay with terminal.

  • If you have multiple integrated terminals, select which one to use.

  • To print a payment receipt from the terminal, apply a tick to Print terminal receipt.

  • Click Make payment. A blue progress bar will appear with 'Waiting for terminal response'. Use the integrated terminal to take the client's payment.

  • When successful, the transaction is relayed to the checkout and the payment confirmation screen appears (within a minute).

  • Click Print from the confirmation screen if you need to provide a paper copy of the invoice to the client. Otherwise, you can print a paper receipt and/or invoice directly from the client's account.

Why has the terminal option disappeared at the checkout?

The 'Pay with terminal' admin option does not show if at least one item in the cart has installments or at least one ite in the cart has recurring billing.

3. Use the Terminal in Point of Sale

First, click on the Point of Sale>Workstations subtab, and select a workstation.

  • Include the Terminal as an accepted payment mode.

  • Select the integrated terminal to be used with this workstation.

  • Receipt printer selection: Keep this field blank unless you're using an independent thermal printer.

Next, proceed with your client order as usual:

  • When ready, click on the terminal icon to pay.

  • The integrated terminal will be selected. If you have multiple integrated terminals, you can choose another one if necessary.

  • Click Make payment. A blue progress bar will appear with 'Waiting for terminal response'. Use the integrated terminal to take the client's payment.

  • When successful, the transaction is relayed to SmartRec and the payment confirmation screen appears (within a minute).

  • Two buttons are available to print a paper copy of the invoice and/or receipt with your regular printer. The Pax A920 is capable of printing a mini payment receipt. Otherwise, print a paper receipt and/or invoice directly from the client's account.

4. Use the Terminal and Print Receipts in the Client's Billing

In the client's file, click on the Client Billing subtab and then click on Make payment (via an invoice or the Operations button).

  • Select 'Credit card - Integrated terminal' as the payment type.

  • Select the terminal. Apply a checkmark if you want the terminal to print a payment receipt (Paysafe only).

  • Click Make payment. A blue progress bar will appear with 'Waiting for terminal response'. Use the integrated terminal to take the client's payment.

  • When successful, the transaction is relayed to SmartRec and the payment confirmation screen appears (within a minute).

🖨️ How to print a paper copy of the receipt

You can use your regular printer to print a paper copy of a payment receipt at any time, regardless of when a payment was processed through an integrated terminal.

Access the Client Billing subtab in the client's file:

  • Click on the + icon on the payment record and select View Payment.

You'll notice an additional section on the payment receipt when using an integrated terminal. The EMV details serve as proof of a successful terminal transaction and reflects how the card was used (swiped, contactless chip or card not present).

To print a paper copy, click the Print button on the upper right-hand corner of the receipt. Clients also have access to their invoices and receipts in their user account.

5. Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between the integrated terminal and the offline terminal?

The integrated Pax A920 payment terminal is directly linked to your organization's SmartRec account. It's a visible, online payment option administrators can use at checkout in the online store, in the Point of Sale feature, as well as when making a payment in the client's billing file. In addition, successful payment transaction details are automatically updated in the client's billing.

An offline terminal is not to be confused with an integrated terminal. An offline terminal can process payments through your merchant account, but it doesn't 'communicate' with SmartRec, which means it doesn't update payment details in the client's account. This means admins would need to manually update the client's billing with a payment entry. What a hassle!

What happens if a payment transaction is unsuccessful? How will I know?

If your organization has a Paysafe merchant account, the integrated terminal will process a transaction and deliver a successful payment response within 60 seconds. If it takes any longer, the payment has failed.

SmartRec will display an error message specifying whether the transaction has timed out, the payment is refused, or the terminal is offline (i.e. not connected to the WiFi). If the transaction has timed out or the payment is refused, you can attempt to pass the credit card again, use a different card, or accept a different payment method.

Below are two examples of what an unsuccessful transaction may look like:

Is it possible to cancel/refund a payment made with the integrated terminal?

If a payment made with an integrated terminal needs to be cancelled, locate the payment record in the Client's billing.

If the payment was made the same day, you will have the option to 'Cancel Payment', which refunds the client's card without incurring additional transaction fees to your organization.

A new screen appears:

  • Add comments if necessary and then click Cancel payment.

If the payment was made on a previous day, you may 'Refund' it to the same credit card that was used with the integrated terminal. Keep in mind $0.30 additional transaction fees are charged to your organization.

Before you can refund, the client must have a credit balance in their account. This can be achieved by canceling the original invoice for which the payment was made. If you don't wish to cancel the invoice, you must first create a credit, and then proceed with refunding the online payment.

What are the EMV details on the payment receipt?

The EMV details serve as proof of a successful terminal transaction and reflects how the card was used (swiped, contactless chip or card not present).

  • AID: An application identifier (AID) is used to address an application in the card or Host Card Emulation (HCE) if delivered without a card. An AID consists of a registered application provider identifier (RID) of five bytes, which is issued by the ISO/IEC 7816-5 registration authority. It's essentially a number to track the contactless financial transaction taking place between a point-of-sale terminal and a remotely hosted secure element containing financial payment card data (i.e. credit card issuer, e-wallet provider).

  • TVR: Terminal verification results (TVR) is an EMV data object. The TVR is a series of bits set by the terminal reading an EMV card, based on logical tests (for example has the card expired). This data object is used in the terminal's decision whether to accept, decline or go online for a payment transaction.

  • IAD: IAD is Issuer Application Data, which is given by the chip to the terminal, for passing on to the issuer.

  • TSI: Transaction Status Indicator. A record of things that happened during the transaction. This field is expected to mainly be ones.

  • ARC: The ARC is a value that is returned from the card issuer during online processing, or is generated by the terminal in the event that the terminal makes a decision as to the final transaction outcome during Terminal Action Analysis.

Which report shows payments made with an integrated terminal?

You can download the Breakdown of payments report from the Reports tab.

How do I print a receipt with the Pax A920 integrated terminal?

There are two ways to print a payment receipt directly from the terminal:

  • While making a payment: When making a payment, tick the “Print terminal receipt” checkbox. The receipt will print soon after the payment is successful.
    In case of a printing error, go to the receipt popup to try printing again.

  • From the receipt popup: When a payment is successful, a window appears with the option to “Print terminal receipt”. Click on this option to open the terminal selection form.

    If you have multiple integrated terminals and are experiencing difficulty printing from one, this selection form allows administrators to choose any available terminal to do the print.

What happens if my card reader is lost or stolen?

There is no way to access money or card information through the card reader, so your money and information will stay safe. If your card reader is lost or stolen, get in touch with your provider to let them know and discuss your card reader replacement options.

Can I use the terminal to scan memberships in Access Management?

We don't recommend using the terminal for any other purpose than taking payments. In the future we will look into expanding the integration for other use cases in SmartRec.

Why does the terminal go offline when it's in sleep mode?

By default, the terminal disconnects from the internet when it's in sleep mode so that it can save resources. The good news is that this setting can be changed:

  • Go to Device Settings and click on Battery.

  • Next, click on App standby optimizer.

  • Click on the Payments app and then turn off the App optimized option.

Does the Pax920 terminal work in CAD or just USD?


In what ways does the PAX A920 Pro connect to the internet?

Beyond Wifi, the Pax A920 Pro supports LTE connectivity with an AT&T and Bell SIM card only!

*Last updated in April 2024

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