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How to save a report template
How to save a report template

Pick the columns to add in your report and save your selection as a template you can pull up later.

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over 8 months ago

SmartRec lets you customize and save your column selections as report templates, so you can generate custom reports on demand. This article explains how to create report templates using our improved report design.

In this article:

1. Which reports support templates?

You can create templates with the reports listed below. We've enhanced the UI when generating those reports highlighted in green, and we'll continue to improve all the reports across SmartRec. Reports not highlighted have not yet had a UI updated.

Activity occurrence details (beta)

Private lessons

Access points

Facility booking details

Fundraising campaigns



Attendance lists (Activities tab)

Summary of selections (Activities tab)

Activity/participant list (Activities tab)

👉 More to come as we continue to improve our reporting features!

2. How to create a report template

Here's what to expect in the Reports tab when you create a report template with our improved report UI (customizable reports in the Activities tab are not yet updated).

  1. Pick which columns and/or filters to include.

  2. Click the ellipses and Save as a template to save your column/filter selection.

  3. Type a template name in the pop-up window and Save.

  4. A success message and the title of the template in use will appear.

2.1 How to edit a saved template

To save changes you make to the columns/filters on a saved template, click the ellipses and then Save as a template. You can save a whole new template or update the saved template that's currently open. Save when finished.

3. How to open a template in the Reports tab

Go to the Reports tab and select a customizable report. A saved template only works for the same report. It isn't compatible for another report.

  1. Click the ellipses to Open a template.

  2. Use the dropdown to choose a saved template and click Open.

  3. To export, click the downwards arrow icon on the right.

To see how to open a template in the Activities tab (with the old UI), click here.

4. FAQs

What permission do I need to save a report template?

Saving a report template doesn’t require permission. However, certain permissions are required to view some of the customizable reports.

To see which permission is necessary, go to the Account>Administrators tab to view permission groups.

  • 🔑 Refer to the Finance and reporting permissions to see which permission is needed to view the report data in the Reports tab.

  • 🔑 Refer to the Programs and activities permissions and check 'Activity registration information' to generate attendance lists and participant reports.

What if I change the columns after opening a saved template?

If you open a saved template and then make changes, you may:

  • Save as a new, separate template;

  • Update the existing template with your changes; or

  • Choose not to save a new template. To retrieve your original saved template, click the ellipses followed by 'Open a template'.

What if I refresh the page after I open a report template?

If you refresh the page while a template is in use, it simply disappears. You must open the template again by clicking the ellipses, followed by 'Open a template', and then selecting a template in the dropdown.

Can I delete a report template?

You can't delete a report template at this time. However, you can update an existing saved template with different columns or filter and make it completely different. You can save those changes as a new template or overwrite an existing template.

How far back can I pull data?

Report templates are supported by our customizable reports. You can pull data as far back as your organization started using Amilia SmartRec.

Can I open the same template for multiple reports?

You can't use the same saved template for multiple reports. For example, a template saved for the Private lessons report can't be used to generate a Payment by item report.

How do I save report templates for attendance and participant lists?

❗ The report UI isn't yet updated in the Activities tab. As such, it looks

a bit different when you generate a custom report in the Activities tab.

You can save report templates for attendance lists, summary of selections; and activity/participant lists in the Activities>Registration subtab. Here's how:

  1. Click Operations and select the report.

  2. In the report generation window, choose the columns.

  3. To save a template, simply type in the Name of the 'New Report Template'.

  4. You can view your list of saved templates by clicking on the drop-down menu.

  5. To modify a template, choose it from the dropdown, make your changes, and then click Save to update the template.

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