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Manage Administrators and Permission Groups
Manage Administrators and Permission Groups

Decide who can access what in the back-office.

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over 4 months ago

Contact us at to unlock shared admin accounts!

In the Account>Administrators subtab, you can create an admin account that belongs to a single admin or can be shared by multiple admins. Permission groups give administrators the access they need in your SmartRec back-office.

How it Works

1. Add an Administrator

You need an administrative profile to access your organization's back-office. The account owner can create administrators. Other admins must be given permission.

Click + New administrator:

  • Type the admin's name and email address (i.e., username) to login to the account.

  • When an account's status is active, it's linked to the back-office. A deactivated account is not. You can change the status at any time.

  • Choose a customized permission group that gives the right level of admin access.

  • Pin settings are intended for shared admin accounts.

    • None: If the account belongs to one admin that won't use a shared account.

    • Shared account: If the account will be used by more than one admin.

    • Account with a PIN: Admins need a PIN if they want to use a shared account.

    ๐Ÿ‘‰ Read more about adding administrators in our FAQ

1.1 What is a shared account?

A shared account lets multiple admins log in at the same time. An admin must enter their PIN to buy at the Point of Sale or when impersonating a client in the store so that SmartRec can identify which one made the sale from the shared account.

For example, an admin logs into a shared account ( to buy something for a client in the store. Before selecting a payment method, SmartRec prompts them for their PIN (ex: 6420). The transaction will be recorded as made by '', the admin with PIN 6420.

To add a shared account:

  • Click + New administrator.

  • We recommend a name and email address that belongs to your organization.

  • Pick a permission group that gives access to POS and/or invoicing clients. Admins logged into this account will have access based on this permission group.

  • In Pin settings, pick Shared account. Save.

  • An activation request with a confirmation link is sent to the email address. The shared account must be confirmed for it to show in the Administrators subtab.

To give an admin a PIN:

  • Click + New administrator (as usual) or edit an existing admin account.

  • Pick a permission group the admin will have when they log in with this account.

  • In Pin settings, pick Account with a PIN. Save.

  • A unique PIN number appears at the bottom (it isn't emailed to them).

  • Next, the admin will log into the shared account.

  • When using the POS or impersonating a client in the store, they must enter their PIN before they can make a purchase.

Shared admin account Give admin a PIN

1.2 Manage your list of administrators

If an account shows in the list of administrators, it means the email address (i.e., username) has been confirmed. If so, the admin can log in and access the back-office.

An account that doesn't show up means the email address (i.e., username) is not confirmed. If so, SmartRec sends an account activation link to confirm the account.

๐Ÿ”‘ Click on an admin account's permission group to see its level of access.

โœ๏ธ Click Edit to modify the admin's information or to change the account status.

Be careful! Any changes made to a permission group affects everyone who has it.

๐Ÿ‘‰ The permission "Modify client accounts" can now be activated for any administrators who need to manage corporate account access (add/remove people, and/or resend activation emails).

2. Add and Manage Permission Groups

A permission group is a customizable level of access you can give to one or more admin accounts. For example, admins who need financial data should have a permission group that includes Finance and reporting access. Initially, only the account owner can manage permission groups.

Click Manage permission groups to add, edit or delete a permission group:

  • Name the permission group (e.g., front staff, instructors, accountant, etc.).

  • Click โœ๏ธ to customize the permission group's access.

  • Edits are auto-saved and updated for all admins that have the permission group.

  • Click โŒ to delete a permission group. It can't be assigned to any admins.

What permission lets me register clients to a drop-in after it's started?

Admins need these two Store permissions to register a participant to a drop-in after it's begun:

  1. Override enrollment limits

    Lets admins register a client to an activity or drop-in when it's full.

    • Admins can register a participant to an activity when the spots are full.

    • If the activity or drop-in doesn't have registration periods and the activity occurrence has already started or is in the past, you must have the permission 'Override enrollment limits'.

  2. Override restrictions and mandatory items

    Lets admins register a client to any item (activity, drop-in, membership, etc.,) and ignore:

    • Restrictions on age, gender, community segments, required skills

    • Mandatory items such as memberships, merchandise, fees, etc.

    • Can register a participant after the activity or drop-in start time IF the activity has registration periods that are active or configured

    • Cannot register someone after the activity or drop-in start time IF the activity doesn't have registration periods that are active or configured.

3. Frequently Asked Questions

Which permissions do I need to use the Administrators subtab?

At least 1 permission is required (*) for the Administrators subtab.

๐Ÿ”‘ Under the Organization settings group:

  • Administrators*: Ability to add or change administrator access.

  • Manage permissions: Access to create, modify and delete permission groups.

Can I add, edit or change the account owner?

There should only be one account owner per organization. If other admins need unrestricted access, create and assign a permission group with everything activated.

An account owner can only modify their name or Pin settings. Contact us at if you need to edit your account owner in any other way.

Oops, I made a mistake when I added a new admin. Can I fix it?

You can edit an admin's name, status and Pin settings, but you can't edit the username. If you made a mistake with the email (i.e., the username), then you must deactivate the admin account and create a new one.

If a faulty email was used, the admin record won't ever appear because only verified personal accounts are listed in the Administrators subtab.

Can I resend the account activation email to an admin?

If an account isn't confirmed, it won't appear in the administrators list. It basically doesn't exist yet, so there's no way to 'resend' anything. You can simply create a new administrator record and try again.

How do you navigate between a personal and administrative account?

As an Amilian, I have several demo SmartRec organizations that I use in my day to day. When the sun goes down, I'm a mom who manages my family's registrations from my personal account. I use the same email for my personal account as I do for my administration accounts because everything is accessible from the drop-down menu on the top right of the screen.

๐Ÿ‘‰ If you prefer to keep your personal account separated from your admin account(s), simply use a different email address for each account, but keep in mind you won't be able to access your different accounts from the same menu (you'll have to log in separately to each one).

Can admins change their username?

An administrator can change their username through their personal account under Settings. When the change is saved, their administrative profile remains in the Administrators subtab, but access is auto revoked and would need to be reinstated to "Active" again. This can be done by an Account owner or another admin with the activated permission "Organization settings - Administrators."

If you have any questions, contact

Are administrators and staff the same thing?

In SmartRec, an administrator logs into the back-office while a staff member is assigned to events and other bookings in the calendar. An admin account and a staff record can exist for the same person. Learn more about Staff.



Created in the

Account>Administrators subtab

Created in the

Staff>Management subtab.

Can log in to the back-office

Cannot log in to the back-office

Cannot be assigned to events

Can be assigned to events

Cannot see class and participant

details in the Amilia app

Can see class and participant

details in the Amilia app

Don't need to provide schedule availability in the Amilia app

Can add schedule availability

in the Amilia app

What do I need to know about PIN numbers?

  • The admin's Pin settings must be set to Account with a PIN.

  • PINS are generated by SmartRec. They can't be personalized.

  • You can change the Pin settings in an admin account at any time.

  • Just because you have a PIN doesn't mean you have to log into a shared account.

  • No email is sent to an admin in regards to their PIN.

  • When impersonating a client in the store, admins must enter their PIN before choosing a payment method at Step 3 of checkout.

  • In the Point of Sale, an admin must enter their PIN on the order form.

  • PINS don't appear in your reports. The administrator's name and email does.

What is the difference between the two Financial reports permissions?

In the Finance and reporting section, there are two similar permissions:

  • Financial reports (all administrators) - gives access to all financial reports and data for all administrators

  • Financial reports (administrator-specific) - only allows access to financial reports based on the administrator that is logged in, such as the End of shift report (can choose user) (the Account owner chooses this access.)

Which roles have eligible permissions for modifying reconciliations?

There are two permissions you can assign to any of your roles: Manage reconciliations and Delete reconciliations.

* Last updated in April 2024

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