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Where Are My Old Messages?

How to find the Message History for conversations you started before the update to Angi (Desktop & Pro App)

Hillary avatar
Written by Hillary
Updated over 2 months ago

How to see Message History on the Desktop:

  1. Go to Leads at the top of your page

  2. Select the specific Lead that you need to see the historical messages for, and click the Message button within the Lead itself

Note: This would only apply to leads you received before 3/17 where a conversation occurred between you and the Consumer.

3. Inside the new Message Center, you should see a link at the top right that says Message History. Clicking on this will take you to a screenshot of the previous Message Center page where you can review your previous conversation.

4. Hitting the Back button on your browser or clicking Reply at the bottom will take you back to the new Message Center where you can continue the conversation.

You can also select the "Message History" button from the top right of your Lead Board next to the Sort option, if you do not want to look at the history for a single message in particular.

How to see Message History in the Pro App:

  1. Choose Leads from the bottom of your screen

  2. Select the specific Lead that you need to see the historical messages for, and click the Message button within the Lead itself

Note: This would only apply to leads you received before 3/17 where a conversation occurred between you and the Consumer.

3. Inside the new Message Center, you should see a link at the top that says Message History. Clicking on this will take you to a screenshot of the previous Message Center page where you can review your previous conversation.

4. Hitting the Back button will take you back to the new Message Center where you can continue the conversation.

Having an issue with responding to a Lead? Start a new chat during business hours, and one of our Support Specialists will be able to assist! Our office hours are Monday - Friday 8AM to 8PM Eastern.

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