You can search your EHR for a patient's contact details using their NHS number.
To use this method, you must be on a device connected to your EHR, have your EHR running and be logged in. If you cannot use this method, you should enter the patient's details manually - read this article for help on how to do this.
On the Contact Patients page, Search for patient by NHS Number is the default method, so it will already be selected for you.
Enter the patient's NHS number into the box. You must enter the NHS number without spaces.
The search button will turn purple when you have entered a valid NHS number. Click search.
If there is a match, the patient and their contact details will be displayed. Verify this is the patient you want to contact, then click Add to recipient list.
If a match cannot be found, Anima will alert you and prompt you to enter the patient's details manually.
The patient is added to the recipient list. You can now compose and send your message!