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FAQs for patients of clinics using Anima

43 articles
Can I insist on seeing my GP for a face-to-face consultation
Can I make a request for a doctor who is not my “preferred doctor”?
Can I ask for help at any time?
Can I submit questions to my doctor in my own words?
Can I use Anima to book appointments?
Can I use Anima in an emergency?
Can I still use Anima if I don't have a mobile phone?
Configuring your user settings
Converting a dependant account into an individual account
Do I have to choose from a set a list of requests?
For patients: I’ve forgotten my Anima password
Get Help for a Medical Issue from your GP Surgery
How can I add Anima to my phone's home screen? (iOS)
How do I access Anima?
How do I access my Anima account after it was created by my GP practice?
How do I add a dependant to my account?
Why should I use Anima?
How do I know if a doctor has seen my request?
How do I login to my Anima account?
How do I logout of my Anima account?
How do I register for an Anima account as a patient?
How do I start using Anima?
How do I submit a request to my preferred doctor?
How to access a request you “saved” to finish later
How to ask a simple question
How to create your Anima account
How to review messages sent to you by your practice
Will my doctor be able to see my past medical history when I submit a request
What is Anima?
What happens after I send a request in Anima
The option 'Ask a simple question' is not available
How to submit an admin request: request a letter
How to update your GP Practice details?
I cannot submit a request to my GP Surgery
I didn’t receive a verification code to my email address
I do not have a computer or smartphone
I share the same email address as my partner, can we use the same account?
I submitted the wrong request by mistake
Is Anima safe and secure?
Is there an Anima app?
I’ve changed my email address - how do I update my account?
I’ve changed my phone number - how do I update my account?
Setting up 2-factor authentication