Anvl's "Group" feature allows for different locations or departments within the same company to organize their data. However, some users may relocate from department to department. If this happens, they are easy to move.
The only way to move a user to a new group is by using Anvl for Web. If you do not have access to the web portal, you must ask a supervisor for help. If you are Supervisor and do not see the groups you'd like to move the user to, you'll need to contact your account administrator or
These steps will add user to multiple groups:
Go to the Users page
Find the user you'd like to move and select the box by their name
Go to the Modify dropdown menu and click Modify User
Review the User's profile and find the Group box
Add the user to their new group and remove the old group using the checkboxes
Click Update to confirm your changes.
After doing this, we'd recommend the user log out of Anvl and log back in to make sure the changes go through to their device. If you need to move a user to a group you don't have access to, please reach out to