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Utility Prices
Updated over a week ago

Manage utility pricing schedules and their association with your points. Easily create custom pricing schedules for your organization. Whereas Bill points in Atrius may bring in cost directly from your utility bills, Points do not automatically have cost associated with the data sets, so Utility Prices lets you assign prices to your Points so that you may report on cost as well as consumption.

👍This article will help you:

  • Navigate to the Utility Prices table and add a pricing schedule

  • Add a new utility provider or a new pricing schedule to your organization

  • Link the new utility provider or pricing schedule to existing points

To access Utility Prices, go to Settings on the left side menu, then Utility Prices.



A utility pricing schedule sets forth the rules used by a utility provider to establish the rates that it will apply to its customers. Different rates may be applied based on variables such as service area, property type, time of day, etc. By using the pricing schedule specific to your provider you can accurately assess the cost of consumption and avoid the inaccuracies resulting from the use of a blended rate for cost calculations.

To view the Utility Prices for your organization:

  1. Select Settings in the left side navigation and select Utility Prices.

  2. On the Utility Prices page, view the providers and pricing schedules associated with your organization.





The name of the provider associated with the pricing schedule.

Point type

The point type (electricity, gas, water, etc.) associated with the pricing schedule.

Pricing schedule

The name of the pricing schedule.

Current rate

The current $/unit charge.

Linked points

The number of points associated with the pricing schedule.

Add a pricing schedule to your points

  1. On the Utility Prices page, select Add a utility price in the upper right corner.

  2. Select the appropriate options from the dropdown fields.


Data Field



Select a provider from the list of available options.

If the desired provider is not found, select Add a new provider to enter new provider information.

Point type

Select a point type from the list of available options.

Pricing schedule

Select a pricing schedule from a list of available options.

If the desired pricing schedule is not found, select Add new pricing schedule to enter new pricing schedule information.

  1. Once you select your pricing schedule from the dropdown menu, verify the data fields.


Data Field


Date Ranges

Represents the given date range for which the pricing schedule is applied.

Consumption ($/unit)

Atrius supports different types of consumption rates, including blended, seasonal, tiered, and time of use.

Rate Types:
- Blended incorporates all consumption charges into a single average charge ($/unit/time)
- Seasonal incorporates all consumption charges into a single average charge for a selected period of consecutive months (e.g. summer, winter)
- Tiered is determined by current consumption range
- Time of Use is determined by consumption interval period
- Miscellaneous: An extra rate is applied to all consumption units for all time periods

Demand ($/unit)

Atrius supports different types of demand rates, including blended, seasonal, and time of use

Rate Types:
- Blended incorporates all demand charges into a single average charge ($/unit/time)
- Seasonal incorporates all demand charges into a single average charge for a selected period of consecutive months (e.g. summer, winter)
- Time of Use is determined by demand interval period


- Additional charges accounts for any customer service or point charges ($/point/day).
- Multiplier value is multiplied by the sum of consumption, demand, and additional charges, to compute the total charge for this date range.

  1. Choose one of the following options:

  • Select Save to add the pricing schedule to your organization’s Utility Prices table.

  • Select Save & Link Point to link the pricing schedule to a point.

  • Select Cancel to return to your organization’s Utility Prices table.

Add a new provider

  1. When adding a Pricing Schedule, if the desired provider is not found in the list of available providers, select Add new provider.

  1. Enter the Provider, Point type, Rate type, Currency, and Unit. Note: The Unit field is only available for the following point types: electricity, natural gas, water.

  2. Choose one of the following options:

  • Select Save to add the new utility provider and point type to the Utility Prices table with no pricing schedule.

  • Select Save & Add Pricing Schedule to save the new utility provider and add a new pricing schedule.

  • Select Cancel to return to your organization’s Utility Prices table.


Add a new pricing schedule

  1. When adding a pricing schedule, if the desired pricing schedule is not found in the list of available pricing schedules, select Add new pricing schedule.

  1. Enter the data fields for your pricing schedule.

  2. Choose one of the following options:

  • Select Save to add the pricing schedule to your organization’s Utility Prices table.

  • Select Save & Link Point to link the pricing schedule to a point.

  • Select Cancel to return to your organization’s Utility Prices table.

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