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Choosing how to visualize your data on results overview
Choosing how to visualize your data on results overview

This article explains the different options you have to display the results of your survey.

Updated over a week ago

Once your results are in you are probably dying to get started and analyse your results. How you display your results can play an important part in the analysis. We’ll walk you through the different options you have to display your results, so that you can choose what works best for you!

Choosing which data to analyse

If you have send out your survey multiple times, the first thing to do is to decide for which wave you want to analyse the results. A wave is a collection of responses collected over a certain period of time. You can choose to only view the responses of one particular wave or the aggregated responses of multiple waves. Your default on overview will be the latest wave, whereas on the Trends page we will be showing the past three waves so you can easily spot any trends from recent data collection.

How to view your results: default or chart view?

You probably are already familiar with our default view. In this view you can easily see all of your answer options and the results. You can apply answer filters by clicking on an answer (e.g. Instagram) and see how your answers update. This will update your survey to only show results for people that selected that answer. In this view you can also merge answers together and copy your results.

Next to the default view, we also offer various chart options for different question types.

  • Column charts: single choice, multiple choice & grid questions

  • Pie charts: single choice questions

  • Stacked bar chart: ranked questions

Charts are effective visual tools because they present information quickly and easily, which can make it easier for you and others to interpret the data and to spot trends. In the chart view you can still apply an answer filter by clicking on the item in the chart, but you can also decide to hide certain answers from your visualization by clicking on the legend item, like in the below example where the answer “I don’t use any social media apps” is hidden from the chart.

Choose what to display on your axis

For grid questions you can also choose what to display on the X Axis: subject or answers. You can do this by first swapping from default view to column chart and then clicking on the three dot menu to choose what to “Display on X Axis”.

How to sort your results: “by results” or “by draft order”?

You can choose how you want to sort your results, meaning how your results are shown from top to bottom. The default setting will be ordered “by results”, meaning that the answer with the most responses will be at the top. You can also choose to order “by draft order”, this will show the answers in the order that you’ve added them during your survey creation. This can be particularly helpful for answers that include numbers or scale options.

Which data to show: percentages, values or both ?

Finally you can choose which data you want to display: percentages, values or both. We recommend having both as it gives you the best view of your results, as it helps to understand how large the actual sample is. For charts you will be able to choose whether you want to display percentages or not.

If you have used forward answers, you can also choose how to calculate your percentage: based on the total sample or based on the forwarded answer sample. You can read more about how to analyse your results when using forward answers in this article.

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