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Notes in Aurelius

How to add, tag and analyze notes and data in your Aurelius project

Zack Naylor avatar
Written by Zack Naylor
Updated over a week ago

What are Notes in Aurelius

Notes are individual observations, quotes, data points and feedback you gather from your research. Notes are the essential foundation to Key Insights and more.

There are several things you can do with Notes in Aurelius:

  • add notes, observations, quotes and feedback

  • add tags

  • add sentiment (positive/negative)

  • create key insights

  • add notes to key insights

How to Take Notes in Aurelius

There are five ways you can take notes or add data in Aurelius:

  1. Typing notes

  2. Bulk Input (copy/paste)

  3. Zapier integration

  4. Transcription

  5. Magic Upload

Taking notes

Simply click inside a note group and start taking notes

While taking notes, when you hit "Enter" it will create a new note on the next line.

Bulk Input

Copy & Paste text data from another document or Excel file > Aurelius creates new notes and separates them based on line-break (or carriage return) from the source you copy/pasted

Using our Zapier Integration

Connect 3000+ apps to Aurelius and have them create notes automatically


Upload any audio or video file and turn it into notes as a transcript

Magic Upload

Upload a file with selectable text (PDF, Word, Excel or .txt) and have that text create notes on your project like magic!

Adding Tags to Notes

Adding tags as you take notes

Hover to the right of the note > Click into "add tags..." > Add existing tags or create new ones

Adding tags in bulk

Select notes > Click "Add Tags" from the action bar > Add your tags and click save

Adding Sentiment to Notes

Adding sentiment individually

Hover over the right side of your note > Click the smiley or frown face

Adding sentiment in bulk

Select your notes > Click the smiley or frown face

Creating Key Insights from the Notes Page

How to create key insights on the notes page

Select your notes > Click "Create New Insight" > Give your insight a name, description, tags and any other details

Adding Notes to Key Insights from the Notes Page

Adding supporting notes and data to existing insights on the notes page

Select your notes > Click "Add to Insight" > Select the insight you want to add your selected notes to

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