To sync your practitioners' PracSuite calendars to Avaana, we must sync them to a Google Calendar, from there we will sync the Google Calendar to Avaana.
Step 1: Syncing your Pracsuite Calendars to Google Calendar
From the user menu in the top right-hand corner of PracSuite, select Manage Calendar Integrations.
Enable Google Calendar for the relevant PracSuite Business.
Select Sign in with Google.
After signing in to your Google account, select the Select All option to ensure PracSuite can access all required data.
Select the calendar that you want to sync PracSuite appointments with. You can also customise what patient identifiers you want to appear alongside the appointment in Google Calendar. We recommend unticking all items as we do not require any of this information, we just need to see the time is blocked out.
Select Save to finalise your changes.
You will now see PracSuite appointments in your selected Google Calendar.
Step 2: Adding your Google calendar into Avaana
Open Google Calendar settings via:
In the left side-menu under “Settings for my calendars” select the calendar you want are syncing with Avaana
Click “+ Add people and groups” button
In the email field, enter
In the permissions field, select Make changes to events
Click Send
Now that your calendar is connected and syncing with Google, we will connect this Google calendar with the practitioner it belongs to in Avaana.
Open Google Calendar settings via:
In the left side-menu under “Settings for my calendars” select the calendar you want to sync
Scroll down to the heading “Integrate calendar”, this will have the Calendar ID and Public URL fields required to sync into Avaana.
Open your Avaana provider dashboard in another tab or window, and go to the “Integrations” page
Click the “+ Add … Calendar” button in the Calendars section
A popup window will appear with the following fields
Copy and paste the Calendar ID from Google calendar into the Calendar ID field
Copy and paste the Public URL to this calendar from Google calendar into the URL of calendar field
Enter the practitioner’s name this calendar belongs to into the Calendar name field
Click “Add calendar information”
The calendar will now appear in the Calendars section