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Review the budget for a Release
Review the budget for a Release

See the budget for a Release and how it's distributed

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Written by Tech Support
Updated over 4 years ago

The budget interface allows you to quickly see how much money has been assigned to the various aspects of the Release*, and how much of that budget remains to be distributed. (See how to create a budget for a Release here.)

Below is an overview of the budget interface:

  1. Budget by Status: The first circle and its associated column of numbers display how much of the Release's budget has been contracted, assigned to Deliverables, or remains unassigned.

  2. Budget by Category: The second circle and the data rows at the bottom of the screen display how much of the budget has been distributed to each category of Deliverable. To the right of the circle is a list of categories that are part of the budget for this Release.

  3. Exchange Information: This part of the interface displays how much your budget has been affected by currency fluctuations. (Note: If your Deliverables are all in your native currency, you can ignore this section.)

  4. Edit Button: Click here to adjust your budget for this Release.

Budget by Status

To review how much of the Release's budget has been assigned, you can either:

  • mouse over any portion of the first circle to see the status of that portion of the budget, or

  • look at the column of numbers to the right of the circle.

  1. Total Contracted Amount (Red): If you have created any Jobs for this Release, the Deliverables in those Jobs have all been contracted. The amount displayed here is the value of all the Deliverables you have contracted for this Release. Note that, even if a contractor hasn't yet signed a contract for the Job, that Job's Deliverables still count as contracted.

  2. Total Pending Amount (Orange): This amount is how much of the budget is assigned to Deliverables that have not yet been contracted.

  3. Total Available Amount (Green): This amount is how much of the budget has not yet been assigned to any Deliverables at all.

  4. Total Budgeted Amount: This amount is the sum of the previous three numbers, and reflects the Release's entire budget.

Budget by Category

To review how much of the Release's budget has been distributed to each category, you can either:

  • mouse over a portion of the second circle to see what category it represents, and how much of the budget has been dedicated to it, or

  • look at the table of categories and amounts at the bottom of the screen.

Note: If you have not distributed the budget across different categories, the entire table at the bottom of the screen consists of a single line item labeled "other categories."

  1. Category: This column lists each category of Deliverable that has budget dedicated to it. By default, there is only one category ("other categories") but you may add additional categories as you allocate budget to them.

  2. Contracted Amount (Red): This column displays the value of all the Deliverables you have contracted, per category, for this Release. Note that, even if a contractor hasn't yet signed a contract for the Job, that Job's Deliverables still count as contracted.

  3. Pending Amount (Orange): This column displays the value of all the Deliverables you you have assigned, per category, but have not yet contracted.

  4. Available Amount (Green): This column displays how much of the budget, per category, you have not yet assigned to any Deliverables at all.

  5. Budgeted Amount: This column displays the total amount you have budgeted to each category, and is the sum of the previous three columns.

  6. Info Button: If you click the "information" icon to the left of one of the categories, the system displays the budget quick-view for that category.

  7. Budget Quick-view: This panel not only displays the contracted and pending amounts of the budget for that category, but also lists each of the Release's Deliverables within that category.

Exchange Information

Note: If your Deliverables are all in your native currency, you can ignore this section.

AWEbase allows you to create Deliverables in currencies other than your native currency. While this is convenient, it can cause complications when a Deliverable's currency fluctuates. The budget interface helps you keep track of how your budget is affected by changing currencies.

  1. The "Exchange Rate Date" displays the date when AWEbase most recently checked currency values. (AWEbase typically checks once per day, Monday through Friday.)

  2. The "Net Exchange Effect" displays how much the value of your non-native currencies has changed as of the Exchange Rate Date. If the currency has fluctuated upward (i.e., the amount is now worth more of your native currency than originally budgeted) the number is red. If the currency is now worth less of your native currency, the number is green.

  3. The Net Exchange Effect is also displayed below the Contracted Amount and Pending Amount values for each category. These budget items automatically increase or decrease based on the currency fluctuations.

*Note that while "Title" and "Release" are the default terms in AWEbase, your organization may have customized one or both of these terms to better reflect your business. For example, "Title" might be "Product Line" or "Department" for you, and "Release" might be "Product" or "Project."


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