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Create a new Job

Hire a contractor and sign the contract

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Written by Tech Support
Updated over a week ago

Once you have a contractor willing to take on one or more Deliverables, you can combine those Deliverables into a single Job, then send a contract for that Job to the contractor.

  1. Choose “Create Job” from the master drop-down menu to open the “Create New Job” pop-up.

  2. Enter a name for the Job. (This is required.)

  3. Choose a contractor from the “Contractor” drop-down menu. (If you don't see the contractor you're looking for, start typing their name into the "Contractors" field. If they aren't in your system, you'll need to add them to your database.)

  4. Assign a contract date. (This is the date on which the contract becomes effective. By default the date is set to today - when you create the Job - though you can set it to an earlier or later date.)

  5. Assign a sign-by date. (This is the deadline by which the contractor should sign the contract.)

  6. Enter a deadline for the Job. (This is the date by which the contractor has agreed to supply the Deliverables in the Job.)

  7. Choose a Deliverable from the “Add Deliverables” drop-down menu to add it to the Deliverables list below. (If you don't see the deliverable you're looking for, start typing its name in the "Add Deliverables" field.) You may add as many Deliverables as you need to the Job.

  8. Click the "Validate Deliverables" button to make sure that all the Deliverables are properly prepared for the Job (as detailed below). Note that this will automatically update the "Category" and "Total Amount" fields, and will unlock the "Contract Template" drop-down menu.

  9. Choose a contract template from the “Contract Template” drop-down menu. (Note that your Deliverables' category will determine which templates are available, and you can add new contract templates if you wish.)

  10. Once the Deliverables have been validated, the "Validate Deliverables" button transforms into a "Preview and Confirm" button. Click this button bring up a copy of the contract to review. If you need to edit the content of the contract, click the “Back” button to close the contract without signing it.

  11. Click the “Sign and Send” button to open the “Create Signature” pop-up.

  12. Digitally sign the contract, then check the box and click the “Sign” button to execute the contract and send it to the contractor to sign.

Note: When the contractor signs the contract, AWEbase sends a PDF of the signed contract to both the contractor and your organization. Learn how to set up the organization e-mail to receive these contracts here.

Note: If the contractor has not yet joined AWEbase or connected with your organization, when you send them a Job, the system first e-mails them an invitation (as described here); once they connect with your organization, they can review your Job from inside their AWEbase account.

Validating Deliverables

In order to create a Job, all its Deliverables must:

  1. Share the same category (such as writing, artwork, or graphic design). This is important because the category determines which contracts are allowed to be used for the Job.

  2. Be assigned to the same staff member who is creating the Job.

  3. Share the same currency. By default, all Deliverables are created in your home currency, but you can change this if you wish to pay for a Deliverable in a different currency.

  4. Be marked assignable. When you create a Deliverable, it is in the "draft" state. Before assigning it to a Job, you must mark it as assignable.

  5. If the validation process reveals a problem with any of the Deliverables, you may click the "edit" button on that Deliverable to update its information and make it valid.

  6. Click the "delete" button to remove a Deliverable from the Deliverables list.

Alternative Option 1: Create a Job from the Deliverables screen

An alternative method of creating a new Job starts on the Deliverables screen, and allows you to assign multiple Deliverables to the Job at once.

  1. Go to the Deliverables screen.

  2. Check the boxes next to any number of Deliverables that are marked "assignable."

  3. Choose "Create Job from Deliverables" from the master drop-down menu to open the “Create New Job with Deliverables” pop-up. This pop-up is populated with the Deliverables you chose in step 2.

  4. Carry out steps 2-11 above.

Alternative Option 2: Create a Job from the JobOpp screen

An alternative method of creating a new Job starts with a JobOpp, which already combines a contractor with one or more Deliverables.

  1. Go to the JobOpps screen and click on the subject of the JobOpp from which you'd like to create a Job.

  2. Select the "Contractors" tab.

  3. Note the "Job" button next to the name of the contractor with whom you wish to create a Job. The icon displays the number of Deliverables that you have allocated to the contractor thus far.

  4. The job panel appears when you click the "Job" button next to the contractor's name.

  5. Choose any number of Deliverables from the "Allocate Deliverable" drop-down menu. Only Deliverables that are part of this JobOpp are available to allocated. (Note that before a Deliverable can be "contracted" to a contractor, it must first be "allocated" to them.)

  6. Click the "Create Job" button to bring up the "Create Job with Allocated Deliverables" pop-up. This pop-up is populated with contractor you chose in step 4, and the Deliverables you chose in step 5.

  7. Carry out steps 2-11 above.

Job Comments

Once you've created a Job and hired a contractor to work on it, it's often useful to exchange Job comments with them in context of the Job as a whole. For example, you might want to share information that's relevant to all the Job's Deliverables, or coordinate delivery specifics that are pertinent to the entire Job.

As soon as you create a Job, you can communicate with the contractor about that Job (even before they sign the contract) by doing the following:

  1. Go to the Jobs screen and click on the name of the Job you want to discuss.

  2. The right side of the screen displays previous comments from the contractor and yourself.

  3. Type your comment into the box on the top right side of the screen, then click "Add Comment" to send the comment to the contractor.

  4. You can also click the "reply" button on a specific comment in order to quote that comment in your reply, thus adding context to your comment.

  5. Click the "edit" button to open and edit your comment. (You can only edit your own comments.)

  6. Click the "delete" button to remove your comment altogether. (You can only delete your own comments, and only so long as the contractor has not replied to it with the "reply" button.)

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