Our Autodesk integration streamlines project management in Billy. Once connected, you can:
Import Autodesk projects with a single click
Automatically sync vendors from Autodesk to Billy
Eliminate duplicative data entry
This integration saves your team valuable time and ensures data consistency across platforms. Leverage the power of both systems without the hassle of manual updates.
Let's dive into how to:
Connect Billy and Autodesk
Step 1 (Autodesk Admin required for this step):
An Admin on your Autodesk account must install the Billy application to your Autodesk account from the Apps marketplace.
Step 2 (Autodesk Admin required for this step):
To set up the integration in Billy, navigate to Settings > Connected Apps. Under Autodesk click the blue Setup button.
Step 3:
When the Autodesk module pops up, click the blue Login to Autodesk button.
Step 4:
You will be prompted to Authorize the application. Click the black Allow button to proceed.
Step 5:
At the next module, choose the Autodesk instance you would like to connect to and click the blue Save Selection button.
Once you receive the Success message, you will see that your accounts are connected.
Import Projects from Autodesk to Billy
To import projects from Autodesk to Billy, click the blue Import Projects button. When the import module pops up, you will first need to assign a Default contract requirement group.
After you set your default requirement group, you can select all projects you want to import. You can select as many projects as you would like.
If a project is already imported into Billy, you will see a grey Imported tag designation.
Once you have your project selections made, click the blue Import Selection button.
When you projects are imported, you will be taken to the Projects page in Billy and see your projects populate in Draft status. You can click the green Autodesk tag to open your Cost Module in Autodesk in a new tab at any time.
Within the project in Billy, you will see your vendors automatically sync from Autodesk via the Cost Module.
New vendors added to your Autodesk project will automatically sync to Billy if the Supplier Details are entered, including a contact, and the contract status must be "executed."
If you need to add any project-specific Additional Insureds, project-specific sample documents, or assign any vendor-level requirements you will do this within the project.
When your project is ready in Billy, flip the status from Draft to Active and click the blue Save button.
After you trigger document requests, Billy's automation will kick in and your project will be live!