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Billy 101 for Partners
Billy 101 for Partners

In-depth tutorial for Billy Partners

Kelsey VanSleen avatar
Written by Kelsey VanSleen
Updated over 9 months ago

This guide is meant to help a broad range of Billy users, including new partners, existing ones, Procore users, and those who don't use Procore.

If this tutorial and the help desk article links throughout do not answer your questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Specialist. We are happy to help!


Everything you need to know about what lives in this section of the app, and how things work

Filter by Projects

Projects are auto-sorted by project number. If no project number exists, projects are sorted alphabetically.

Filter by Project Status (multi-select if desired)

  • All

  • Active

  • Draft

  • Frozen

Sort the Project List by Project Number or Name

Sometimes you need to find projects in different ways. No matter the situation, you can sort your main project list by project name or project number to configure this information the way you want it and quickly find the project you need.

On the Project Page, click "Project Number" or "Project Name" (headers at the top of this table) to sort in ascending or descending order for each.

Add a New Project

  • Procore Project: First, a project must be added in Procore. Then it can be synced with Billy through the following steps:

    • Click the Blue “+” Button in top right of Project Page

    • Select “Import Procore Project”

    • Choose Import Method (see next section for more details)

    • Click "Import Selection"

  • Non-Procore (Manual) Project: Creating a “New Project” will create a “manual” project in Billy, and updates to Procore will not be made.

    • Click the Blue “+” Button in top right of Project Page

    • Select “New Project”

    • Enter project details

    • Click "Save"

Procore Import Methods

There are 4 ways to import Procore vendors:

  • Project Directory

  • Purchase Order

  • Subcontract

  • Subcontract or Purchase Order

If you import by Subcontract and/or Purchase Order, you can then select all of the contract statuses you want Billy to import. Select all that apply:

  • All

  • Draft

  • Out For Bid

  • Out For Signature

  • AND MORE (see screenshot below)


You will now be able to see contract information from Procore in Billy. This lays the groundwork for Requirement Groups aka supporting vendor-specific insurance. With this change, you might find a few vendors that appear to be duplicates, but are actually the separate subcontracts / purchase orders from Procore: note the "SC-004" or "PO-009" by the vendor name now. If you don't need to track insurance separately, use the 3 dot menu by their name and click "Mark Inactive".

Project Statuses

All New Projects (Procore and Manual) automatically begin in Draft mode so adjustments to requirements and vendors can be made before requesting documents.

When Projects are in Draft mode, no emails are sent by Billy.

Confirm Project-Specific Requirements

When creating a new project, Default Requirements are copied into each project. Add or edit requirements to meet project-specific requirements.

Add Insurance Requirement:

Edit Insurance Requirement:


When editing insurance requirements, use “Policy options & endorsements” to be prescriptive to vendors about policy nuances, ie certificate holder, cancellation requirements, etc.

Add Sample Documents in Project Requirements

Sample documents provide a visual of your requirements to vendors.

Vendors are able to download Sample Docs in the Vendor Submission Portal.


Sample documents are often used for Sample COIs

Vendor Submission Portal: Sample documents can be viewed or downloaded.

Add Required Documents in Project Requirements


Required Documents should only be used for insurance-related documents that do not have an expiration date.

  • Use “Other” for insurance-related required documents within your projects.

    • Why? This impacts compliance. See the "Document Review" section later in this guide for more details.

    • Examples: Additional Insured Endorsements, Waiver of Subrogation Endorsements, Umbrella Follow Form

  • Non-insurance-related Required Documents (W9s, MSAs, Business Licenses, etc) should be tracked on a separate project so as not to affect the insurance compliance status on your projects.

    • Example: W9 project, Compliance Docs project (W9, Contractor’s License)

Contracts Tab For Procore Partners

In your Billy-synced Procore Project, this is where the vendors who have contracts on your project live.


You must add vendors to your projects in Procore for them to appear in your Procore-synced Billy projects.

Vendor Syncing Tips:

  • For Subcontract and/or Purchase Order Import Method: Invoice contact must be added to commitment/PO for the vendor to import into Billy.

  • For Project Directory Import Method: Primary Contact or Email Address must be added to Company in Project Directory for the vendor to import into Billy.

  • The Procore Sync Log within each project will record vendor syncing issues. Visit the log, then reach out to Customer Success if you still can't resolve the issue.

    • Inside the Procore-synced Billy project, click the 3 dots at the top of the project page

    • Click "Procore Sync Log" (see screenshot below)

Contracts Tab For Non-Procore Partners / Manual Projects

In your Billy Project, this is where the vendors who have contracts on your project live.

How to add new/existing vendors:

  • Project Page > Contracts tab > Add Contract

  • Choose an existing vendor from the dropdown, or

  • Add a new vendor by typing in the name of the vendor and adding contact information.

Project Compliance Bar

Each project has a compliance bar that tracks the percentage of vendors in compliance on this project.

Note: Inactive vendors are not included in this compliance calculation.


Hover over the compliance bar to see the number of compliant vendors.

Procore Links

Easily move between Billy and Procore with links to your Procore account throughout Billy. These links exist in 3 places:

  1. Project List Page - Links take you to the project in Procore

  2. Project Page - Link at the top of the page takes you to the project in Procore.

  3. Contract (aka Vendor) Profile Page - Link next to the vendor's name takes you to the

    1. Company in the Project Directory if you are importing via All Companies in Project Directory

    2. Commitment and/or Purchase Order if you are importing via Subcontract and/or Purchase Order

Excluded Officers

If excluded officers were added during document review, you can see a running list of all excluded officers for a given project by following these steps:

  • On main project page, click the 3 dots in the top right corner.

  • Click “Excluded Officers”

Filter the Contracts (Vendors) List

In the Contracts tab in a project, you can sort vendors in 2 ways:

  • By Activity

    • Needs Certificate - no documents on file for this project

    • Needs Review - vendors have submitted documents for your review or were manually uploaded by a user

  • By Statuses

    • All Statuses

    • Compliant Vendors - documents have been submitted and approved

    • Non-compliant Vendors - either no certificate has been submitted, requirements are missing (missing a policy), or submission did not meet your requirements (ie you rejected a policy)

    • Inactive Vendors - manually marked inactive in Billy by a user, no emails are being sent from Billy, and you can mark as active any time

Three Dots to the Right of Each Vendor

On the contracts tab within a project, there are 3 dots to the right of each vendor. Here is what you'll find in this dropdown:

  • View Details - view vendor profile (coverages, certificates)

  • Edit - make changes to the vendor contact’s email and name

  • Copy Request Link - paste this link into a new browser window to view what the vendor upload portal looks like.

    • PRO TIP: The vendor submission portal now includes the project number, name and address, eliminating the need to add this information to project-specific requirement groups!

  • Request Documents - request for documents to this specific vendor

  • Mark Inactive - stop Billy’s emails from being delivered. See next slide for more details.

  • Remove From Project - this is viewable on standard projects only, aka non-Procore synced projects. Contracts can only be removed from a project if no documents have been submitted and reviewed.

Vendor 3 dots

Vendor Submission Portal

Mark Vendors Inactive

There are times when a vendor is imported into Billy, and you decide you don't need to, or no longer need to track compliance for that vendor. That is when marking a vendor inactive comes in handy.

Here is what to expect when a vendor is marked inactive:

  • Stop Billy’s automated emails from being delivered

  • Available on Procore and non-Procore projects

  • All previously uploaded documents will continue to be stored in Billy despite marking inactive

    • Users can view or download previously uploaded documents after marking inactive through the “View” button in Coverages and Certificates tab

  • Mark as Active at any time

How to Go Live with Projects

Step 1: Add New Project to Billy

Step 3: [Procore Partners Only] Check the Procore sync log.

The Procore Sync Log within each project will contain a historical record of all sync issues that occur. Use it to uncover missing vendors and correct the missing data (most of the time email contacts in Procore) to correctly sync all desired vendors. Read more here.

Step 4: Set Up and Verify Contract List

  • Non-Procore Partners and Manual Billy Projects: Add vendors and update contacts as needed.

  • Procore Partners: Verify contact information that came over from Procore is the accurate compliance contact, and mark vendors inactive as needed.

Step 5: Change project status from Draft to Active

Step 6: Bulk-send initial requests

This article goes into detail about Billy’s Automated Correspondences (reminders after initial request, renewal reminders, etc)

Uploading Documents

There are 2 ways to upload documents to Billy:

    • QUICK TIP: This is useful when you have a document on your shared drive or get an email from a vendor with a COI

  • Vendor submits a document through vendor submission portal. You can see this submission portal by:

    • Click the 3 dots next to vendor name in “Contracts” tab.

    • Click “Copy Request Link”

    • Paste the copied link into new browser window.

Contract Coverages Tab

Contract (Vendor) Coverages list the requirements specific to that contract on the project. All statuses start in an "unreviewed" state and update as reviews of documents are made. Over time, this is where you will see the continuity of coverage for this contract (vendor).

Coverages Statuses

  • Unreviewed (grey) - no document has been reviewed against this policy

  • Active (green) - compliant, approved requirement

  • Inactive (red) - either the requirement is expired or has been rejected. Click the dropdown arrow button to investigate further

  • Waive (orange) - the requirement has been indicated as not required for this particular vendor

    • In addition to this requirement status, you can also Waive a requirement prior to documents being, which will remove it from the vendor submission portal. This is yet another way (besides a vendor-specific requirement group) where you can customize your vendor requirement needs!

    • QUICK TIP: You can unwaive at any time, as well.

Other things to note about the Coverages Tab:

  • Renewal Certificates will not replace previous documents but will sit on top of previous documents.

  • View Policy Information

    • Click “Down Arrow” to view the documents under each policy.

    • Notes to Vendor entered during the review process can be viewed here.

Contract Notes

Centralize contract (vendor) compliance communication by utilizing Contract Notes, allowing Admin and Standard users to document contract specifics on a project, such as an override authorization. "Save" your note or "Save & Send Email" to send an email notification to a Billy user to draw attention to your note, ensuring efficient communication.

Admin and Standard users can create a Contract Note, send email notification, and/or delete a note they created. Read-Only users have viewing access without the ability to add notes or send notifications.

"Save & Send Email" will save your note automatically. Then you must select a recipient to send an email notification.


The “Needs Review” status means there are documents that require your attention to review.

Steps to Review Documents

When a vendor submits a document, or you upload one manually, here are the steps to review these documents:

  • On the Project page, in Contracts tab, sort by Activity: Needs Review

  • Click vendor name to enter vendor profile

  • Click “Certificates” tab

  • Click “Review Certificate”

  • Insurance requirements are listed on the right, followed by your required documents.

  • Send rejection notifications after reviewing all documents received.

OCR Technology Tips:

  • This technology is not proprietary and it is correct 95-99% of the time.

  • OCR will not pick up poorly scanned documents, blue ink, handwriting, etc.

  • Please let us know if OCR is not working. We are constantly working with our provider to improve this technology!

Reviewing Insurance Policies

  • Requirement statuses tell you what is Active, Rejected, Expired, Waived to facilitate document reviews.

  • During document review, Billy provides the limit requirements underneath each text field so you can verify submitted limits against project requirements.

  • Select a status and click save. This article goes into policy statuses in more detail.

  • After completing your review you have 2 options

    • Clicking “Done” will change the “Needs Review” to compliant/non-compliant

    • Clicking Cancel will save all of your work, but will not change the vendor’s compliance status

  • Send Email Notification - double-check this is selected when rejecting policies to ensure vendor email is sent


Use the Save and Next during review to move to the next document that “Needs Review” within this project

Workers Compensation Insurance

  • Under Policy Options, you must select Yes or No

  • If a vendor selects Yes on the COI but does not list the excluded officers, you have 2 choices

    • Reject and request the excluded officers in “Notes to Vendor”

    • You can override in Billy to “No” if you decide internally you do not need the name of the excluded officer.

      • Excluded Officers list can be seen on the Project Page in Project Details.

Non-Compliant Vendors

After reviewing documents, if you believe they should be compliant, but they still show non-compliant, consider these steps:

  1. Review the Vendor Coverages against Project Requirements

    1. QUICK TIP: Red policies under the Certificates tab do not indicate what is causing non-compliance.

  2. Once you find which requirement is still missing (Exs: Required Document, Insurance Policy), return to the Documents tab within the Vendor Profile.

  3. View the document and reject the missing requirement.

  4. Send email notification to the vendor.

Edit Documents

After reviewing a document, you can edit a document any time by following these steps:

  • “Certificates” Tab > View

  • Click into the policy

  • Click “Edit”

  • Save changes


There are times when we see partners want to change the status of a policy after their initial review, ie from Approved Non-compliant to Reject. Editing a document allows you to do this at any time.

Download Documents

After reviewing a document, you can return to download the file at any time by following these steps:

  • “Certificates” tab > View

  • Click the download button or print button in the top right of the COI viewer.


Procore projects always originate in Procore, then are synced to Billy. The below chart shows how information flows from Billy to Procore and vice versa.

Insurance Information Syncing to Procore

For Procore Partners, insurance information syncs to the Insurance tab in the Project Directory.

  • Project Directory > Company > Edit > Insurance

Insurance information is updated in real-time after documents are reviewed in Billy so your project team has the most relevant information at their finger tips. For example, if the first document a vendor submitted included a General Liability policy that was not compliant, Billy would push this non-compliant status to Procore's Insurance tab. After the vendor submits a new document with a compliant GL policy and this is reviewed in Billy as compliant, the same record in Procore's Insurance tab would update in real-time to show the compliant GL policy.

In the Procore Insurance Tab, copy and paste the link in “Notes” to see the certificate in Billy. This list will grow over the years, showing your team continuity of coverage.


The Company Coverages Page in your Billy menu is a high-level health check of all projects/policies in your Billy account.

  • Numbers across the top are the number of policies.

  • Sort by policies by clicking the dropdown.

  • Coverages “buckets”

    • Active - Current policies.

    • Expired - Billy sends automatic reminders every week for a month after expiration. If policies listed are 30+ days old

      • Call the vendor to ensure the correct email is on file (this is the most common issue)

      • Resend document request (Billy will again send weekly reminders for a month)

    • Expiring Soon - Billy sends renewal reminders 30 and 15 days before expiration, then the day of expiration.

    • Waived - Running list of policies waived during review.

    • Approved Non-Compliant - Running list of policies you approved, but weren't compliant against project requirements.

Exporting Data from Company Coverages Page

  • Export CSV

    • Sage Users - Take this export to your Sage consultant so they can map Billy’s data to your Sage account. Then you can import this report to update Sage compliance data.

    • Non-Sage Users - This export was created specifically for Sage users, however, feel free to use your excel skills to make use of this csv.

  • Other Export Tip: If the above Export CSV is not useful, you can always click into each coverage bucket (active, expired, etc) and hit “ctrl + p” to quickly “export” the data in pdf form.

    • This is especially useful for extracting your “Do Not Pay List” by clicking Expired then ctrl + p to extract a printable pdf of this page.


This tab is where you will find a running list of all vendors across all projects in Billy.

  • The projects listed next to each vendor are the projects the vendor is on.

  • Click the project card to head directly to the vendor profile on that project.

  • Click “Export CSV” to see a list of all vendors and their compliance status across all projects.


This is where mostly administrative functionality lives. Click the hyperlinks below for more details and check out this robust help desk article for even more details.

  • Profile - Change your name.

  • Security - Change your email address.

  • Team - Change team name and email (aka “sender signature”). This is an email your IT team must create, then use the toggle button to connect this inbox to Billy.

  • Users - Add Users and remember the 2 implications of adding a user to your Billy account

    • Access to view/change all information (permissions coming soon) including projects, requirements, etc.

    • All users will receive email notifications when vendors submit documents. After logging in, user’s email can be suppressed. Customer Success can do this in real-time if you let us know via email or in-app chat at the bottom right

  • Legal Entities - Add new Legal Entities to associate to Billy projects (ie entity for construction arm, development arm, etc)

  • Requirements - Default requirements you see across most of your projects. Changes made here will not be reflected on existing projects.

  • Connected Apps - Connect your Procore account to Billy. More integrations coming soon!

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