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SU Chapter 4: Managing Content
SU Chapter 4: Managing Content

Beyond Basics: SuperUser Chapters

Updated this week

In this chapter you will learn essential SuperUser functionalities that focus on managing pipelines, utilizing the Content Library, and overseeing tasks and reports. You will understand how to create, modify, and manage pipelines to ensure a consistent flow of processes across teams, align them with organizational objectives, and maintain security through proper permissions. Additionally, you will discover how to use the Content Library as a centralized hub for storing and sharing message templates, enhancing communication efficiency and consistency. Lastly, you will explore how to monitor and manage tasks across the organization and generate reports to track key metrics, optimize performance, and align team activities with strategic goals.

Estimated Learning Time: 10 min

Managing Pipelines

Managing pipelines at the SuperUser level ensures a consistent flow of processes across teams. SuperUsers can create, modify, and manage pipelines to align with organizational goals. Access pipelines by navigating to the "Content" dropdown in your dashboard and selecting "Pipelines," organized into "Default," "Shared," and "Templates" tabs. Default Pipelines are for individual teams, Shared Pipelines are for organization-wide use, and Templates are customizable. SuperUsers can edit pipelines to update stages, modify event triggers, and refine workflows. Managing permissions within pipelines maintains control and security. These capabilities enhance organizational efficiency and team performance.

Content Library

The Content Library in Bonzo is a centralized hub for storing and sharing quick replies and message templates, including text, email, voicemail, and task messages. SuperUsers can manage and distribute resources across the entire organization, while regional SuperUsers can do so within their specific teams. This feature allows for the creation, organization, and sharing of templates, ensuring that the right communication materials are accessible, enhancing efficiency and consistency in messaging. By utilizing the Content Library, teams can access standardized and effective communication resources, promoting a cohesive and efficient workflow across the organization.

Tasks & Reports

SuperUsers in Bonzo have the capability to monitor tasks and deploy reports to ensure alignment with broader administrative and strategic goals. They can track platform usage metrics, such as total messages sent, response rates, and campaign activities. SuperUsers can create, assign, and monitor tasks, as well as toggle between upcoming, overdue, and completed tasks. Additionally, they can generate reports under the "Management" tab to review team performance and optimize engagement. These functionalities help SuperUsers oversee organizational activities and ensure alignment with strategic objectives, enhancing overall efficiency and success.

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