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SU Chapter 1: Settings

Beyond Basics: SuperUser Chapters

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In this chapter you will learn how to personalize and manage your Bonzo account through various settings. Account settings allow you to customize your experience, manage security, control notifications, and oversee team shifts. Communication settings enable SuperUsers to oversee and enhance communication strategies, set up IVR, monitor message deliverability, and ensure email authenticity. Company settings provide the tools to manage essential rules and functionalities, including Enterprise SSO Login, custom roles, billing, addons, and organization of contacts through custom fields and statuses. Integration settings connect Bonzo with external systems, automating processes and enhancing efficiency with features like Action Buttons, Event Hooks, Webhooks, and API. These settings help SuperUsers maintain efficiency, security, and seamless data flow across the entire organization.

Estimated Learning Time: 30 Min

Account Settings

Account settings in Bonzo allow you to personalize your experience and manage your individual account. While many features are team-level, SuperUsers have some options that impact the entire organization. General Settings for SuperUsers affect only their account, like changing your picture, setting your time zone, and choosing a theme. Security settings manage your account protection, including password changes and Two-Factor Authentication. Notification settings control how you receive updates. Shift settings let SuperUsers view and edit team members' working hours. Merge tags streamline communication by pulling data from the platform. SuperUsers have administrative capabilities to ensure efficiency and consistency across the organization.

Communication Settings

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In Communication settings, SuperUsers can oversee and analyze communication data and grant access to features that improve team efficiency and strategy. The Phone Menu tab allows you to set up and manage Interactive Voice Response (IVR) for your teams, routing calls to team members, campaigns, and pipeline stages. Phone Health lets you monitor SMS and MMS deliverability and purchase Reputation IQ for enhanced analytics and number recycling. Domain Authentication in the Email tab ensures that marketing emails reach inboxes. In the Verification tab, SuperUsers can create verification templates or initiate verification for new teams by filling in essential company information. Utilizing these settings ensures effective, branded communication across the organization, enhancing efficiency and message deliverability.

Company Settings

SuperUsers can access and manage Company Settings in Bonzo, establishing essential rules and functionalities for the organization. Enterprise SSO Login simplifies the login process by allowing users to access multiple applications with a single set of credentials. The Company Settings tab also allows SuperUsers to manage individual accounts and team functionalities. In the Roles tab, SuperUsers can specify permissions based on responsibilities, and create, edit, and assign custom roles to ensure operational efficiency and data security. Managing Billing involves overseeing user seats, teams, and token allocations. Addons in Bonzo can be managed at both the SuperUser and team levels, enhancing team functionalities with tools like Pipelines, IVR, and Reputation IQ. Custom fields offer powerful customization options for tracking essential information, while Custom Statuses and Contact Types help organize and categorize contacts.

Integration Settings

For SuperUsers, the Integrations Settings section is essential for connecting Bonzo with external systems, automating processes, and enhancing operational efficiency. Key features include Action Buttons, which trigger tasks in external systems; Event Hooks, which automate actions in response to specific events; Webhooks, which send real-time data or notifications to external systems; and API, which enables communication between Bonzo and other software. These tools allow SuperUsers to streamline data synchronization, improve productivity, and optimize business operations across their organization.

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