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Add a photo from the Image Search

Book Creator online has a built-in Image Search, making it much easier to source images for your book.

Dan Kemp avatar
Written by Dan Kemp
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Our Image Search is filtered to be safe, and copyright free (they are safe to use in your classroom).

NOTE: this feature isn't available in Book Creator for iPad.

Here's how to add images from the search:

  1. Click the + button in the toolbar

  2. Choose Images

  3. Image Search is the default choice

  4. Enter your search into the search box

Voice search

You can enter your search in search box either by typing it or by clicking the microphone icon and speaking your search term. Speak clearly and wait a moment for the search results to appear.

This will work in multiple languages, depending on what language your browser is set to. Please note that voice search is not enabled in the web version of Book Creator on iPads.

When you have chosen the picture you want, click on it to highlight it - a blue border will show it's selected (note that when an image is highlighted, the source is shown at the bottom - this is useful if you want to cite the image). You can select multiple images if you wish.

When you're ready, click the Add button and the image(s) will be placed on your page.

Search results

Pixabay is the main search engine we use for images and photos in the app. Pixabay provides over 2 million high quality professional images and, most importantly, every one of these images is humanly reviewed to ensure it’s a great image, is free to use, and is not offensive.

If we can't find what you're looking for on Pixabay you'll get results from a Google Safe Search which indexes Unsplash, Pexels, Flickr, and Wikimedia. As always, these images are totally copyright free to use in your projects.

Turning off Image Search

It's possible you don't want to give students access to the public Image Search. You can restrict this in your Library settings.

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