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How to add hyperlinks

You can add links to text or images in Book Creator

Dan Kemp avatar
Written by Dan Kemp
Updated over a week ago

It's easy to add a link to a page in Book Creator. What's more, a link can take the reader to an external web address or a page within the book.

NOTE: Hyperlinks are now enabled in Book Creator in Read Mode and editing mode.

Add hyperlinks to text

1. Highlight the word

In the popup box for adding text, use your cursor to highlight a word.

On the iPad, just long tap on the word to bring up the menu and then select the Link option.

On the web, click on the link icon in the toolbar. On iPad once you've performed a long tap you'll see a long list of options above the word - tap on Link.

Add the URL (web address) you want to link to. 

If you want to link to another page in a book, just enter the page number. In the example below the text links to page 5 in the book. TIP: Use this technique for a contents page or an awesome 'Choose your own adventure' story!

When you're finished, hit Done and you'll see the link is ready as the text is highlighted in blue and underline. Right now there is no way to format the appearance of this link.

Hyperlinks for images

You can add a link to an image using the Inspector. With your image selected click/tap on i and then enter the link details. You can also link images to pages in Book Creator if you wish.

Don't forget to add the description of the image under 'Accessibility'.

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