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To-Dos Overview
To-Dos Overview
Updated over a week ago

Understanding Your To-Do List

Located in the top menu bar in your account, your To-Do List will display your To-Dos chronologically in three parts:

  • tasks that are Past Due

  • tasks due Today

  • Upcoming tasks (due up to seven days in the future, on a rolling basis)

Only the first five To-Dos in each section are displayed by default. If you have more than five To-Dos for a section, you can select the View All button beneath each section to see the complete list.

You can also select to view all of a specific section by selecting it on the left-hand menu bar within the To-Do page.

In addition to the above three sections, there's also an option to display all the To-Dos that were completed during the past seven days, through the Completed this Week tab.

Finally, along the left-hand sidebar menu you can toggle your task list to show a single category of To-Dos — useful if you’d like to knock out several emails or calls in row, for example.

Simply check the box next to each To-Do type you'd like to view in the list, and un-check the boxes to remove the specific types from view!

How to Create To-Dos

If you'd like to create a general reminder for yourself through the system, there's an option to create a general To-Do.

In order to do so, navigate to the To-Do List found by selecting the checkmark icon in your top menu bar.

Select the blue + Set To-Do button in the right-hand corner of the page.

In the pop-up modal that displays, be sure to leave the Search leads by name, email, or phone field unanswered.

Leaving this field set to default will mark the item as Unassigned in your To-Do List, indicating that it is a general task not tied to a specific lead.

Then, you can complete the remaining fields on the To-Do Page, including:

  • Due date

  • Time due (or the Anytime default)

  • Type of To-Do (e.g. Follow-Up, Call, etc.)

  • Any optional notes about the To-Do task

Once this is complete, save the To-Do in the pop-up.

The To-Do will then display on your To-Do Page listed as Unassigned.

How to Create Lead-Specific To-Dos

In order to create a reminder for yourself to perform a task for a lead, you can create a To-Do!

To create a To-Do, navigate to the To-Do List found by selecting the checkmark icon in your top menu bar.

Select the blue + Set To-Do button in the right-hand corner of the page.

In the pop-up modal that displays, type in the name of the lead you'd like to pinpoint in the search bar at the top.

Once you type the name of the lead, and select the correct one from the drop-down menu, the lead will display at the top of the modal with their category and lead type.

You will then have options for customizing the To-Do according to:

  • Due date

  • Time due (or the Anytime default)

  • Type of To-Do (e.g. Follow-Up, Call, etc.)

  • Any optional notes about the To-Do task

In addition to the To-Do List, lead-specific To-Dos can also be created from:

  • Lead Central – click on the quick action button to set a To-Do for a specific lead.

  • Lead Profiles – click on the set to-do button below the lead’s contact information.

  • Log Call – After logging a call, schedule a To-Do before closing the log call pop-up.

  • Add Note – After drafting your note, set a To-Do before closing the add a note pop-up

  • Action Smart-Drip Plan – If you create Action Plans with To-Do steps, those tasks will be automatically set as leads run on the Plan. A raindrop icon will appear next to a To-Do that was created via an Action Smart-Drip Plan.

Lead-specific To-Dos created in any of the formats above will show up both in the lead profile and in the To-Do List

How to Complete To-Dos

In order to complete a To-Do, you can do so one of two ways:

Please note that Unassigned To-Dos cannot be revisited once they've been marked as completed.

Complete Through the To-Do List

To access and complete more than one To-Do with ease, the best way would be to access your To-Do list directly.

This can be found by selecting the checkmark icon in your top menu bar.

Once on this page, you will have a list of all your To-Dos due today, upcoming, and past due.

Navigate to the To-Do you'd like to complete and go to the left-hand side of the entry to select the circular radio button icon.

Then the To-Do will display as completed!

Complete Through the Lead Profile

The second way to complete a To-Do-- as long as it's associated with a specific lead-- is to access the To-Do from within the lead's profile.

To find the To-Do, first, navigate to the lead's profile by typing in the lead's name in the global search bar at the top of the page.

Once on the lead profile, beneath their contact information in the Summary tab is the To-Do List.

In this section, find the To-Do that you'd like to complete and select the circular radio button.

Once you've selected the option, your To-Do will be marked as completed in the To-Do List area of the lead profile, and a note will be added to the History of the lead profile to record the action.

To-Dos completed within the last seven days through either approach should also display on your overall To-Do List within the Completed this Week tab.

How to Edit To-Dos

In order to edit a To-Do, you can do so one of two ways:

Edit Through the To-Do List

To access and edit more than one To-Do with ease, the best way would be to access your To-Do List directly.

This can be found by selecting the checkmark icon in your top menu bar.

Once on this page, you will have a list of all your To-Dos due today, upcoming, and past due.

Navigate to the To-Do you'd like to edit, and go to the right-hand side of the entry to select the pencil icon.

The To-Do pop-up modal will display, where you can make changes to all the fields on the To-Do, as if you were creating it from scratch.

Make the changes that you'd like and then select the Save button!

Edit Through the Lead Profile

The second way to edit a To-Do-- as long as it's associated with a specific lead-- is to access the To-Do from within the lead's profile.

To find the To-Do, first navigate to the lead's profile by typing in the lead's name in the global search bar at the top of the page.

Once on the lead profile, beneath their contact information in the Summary tab is the To-Do List.

In this section, find the To-Do that you'd like to change, hover over it, and select the pencil icon.

Again you will be taken to the pop-up modal for the existing To-Do, where you can make changes to the content, and then save the changes so that the To-Do then shows your updated information!

How to Delete To-Dos

In order to delete an existing To-Do, you can do so one of two ways:

Please note that once a To-Do has been deleted, the deletion will be permanent and there will no longer be a record of that To-Do anywhere in the system.

Delete Through the To-Do List

To access and delete more than one To-Do with ease, the best way would be to access your To-Do List directly.

This can be found by selecting the checkmark icon in your top menu bar.

Once on this page, you will have a list of all your To-Dos due today, upcoming and past due.

Navigate to the To-Do you'd like to delete and go to the right-hand side of the entry to select the pencil icon to make the edit.

A pop-up window will display where you can make edits to the To-Do -- in the bottom left-hand corner of the pop-up, select the Delete button.

You'll be asked to confirm the deletion of the To-Do -- select the Delete To-Do button, and the To-Do should then be removed!

Delete Through the Lead Profile

The second way to delete a To-Do -- as long as it's associated with a specific lead-- is to access the To-Do from within the lead's profile.

To find the To-Do, first, navigate to the lead's profile by typing in the lead's name in the global search bar at the top of the page.

Once on the lead profile, beneath their contact information in the Summary tab is the To-Do List.

In this section, find the To-Do that you'd like to remove, hover over it, and select the X button.

You'll be asked to confirm the deletion of the To-Do -- select the Delete To-Do button, and the To-Do should then be removed!

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