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Mojo Dialer
Updated over a week ago

The Mojo Dialer product itself is independent from BoomTown and must be purchased separately. To learn more about the Mojo Dialer and other products offered by Mojo, click below!

Linking Your Mojo Dialer Account

In Lead Central, click on the Get Started Power Dialing button.

In the pop-up window, select the Yes, I do! button.
Enter your Mojo PIN and then Mojo login credentials.

Once your Mojo Dialer account has been authenticated, you'll be taken back to BoomTown to start power dialing!

Each Mojo account can only be linked to one BoomTown User at given time. You would need to unlink Mojo from your BoomTown account before another BoomTown User would be able to link to that same Mojo account.

Send leads to Mojo from BoomTown

Utilize the Filters and Smart Segments to get a group of leads together to send to the dialer.

Once you've narrowed down your list of leads, select leads in bulk by clicking on the Select button towards the top of your lead list or check the box next to specific leads to select them individually.

Click on the Bulk Actions button at the top of your Lead Central, and then select Send Leads to Dialer from the drop-down list.

Select an existing Mojo group or enter a new one and click Send Leads.

Leads without a 10-digit phone number or with a phone status of Do Not Call or Opted Out will not be sent to the Mojo Dialer.

Mojo Actions Logging in BoomTown

Call results logged in Mojo will translate into BoomTown as follows:

Other actions taken within the lead profile iframe in Mojo will be reflected back in BoomTown.

Any changes made to the following for a Mojo contact will be reflected back in BoomTown:

  • Name

  • Phone Number

  • Address

  • Notes

Importing leads from Mojo

1. Open the contact's profile in Mojo.

2. Click on the Actions button.
3. Select Send to BoomTown from the drop-down options.

Mojo Dialer FAQ

Can multiple BoomTown users share a Mojo login?

No, unfortunately. The best practice is to give each Agent their own hosted lead management account within Mojo. This can be done during the purchase of Mojo, or in the existing Mojo dashboard.
Separate Mojo Agent accounts enable multiple BoomTown users to be linked to one main Mojo account. When using the dialer only one Agent at a time can be using a dialer account. If enabling multiple Agents to dial simultaneously is required we recommend purchasing a single or triple line account for each user. For more information about Mojo's product offerings, click here.

Why am I seeing an error message in the lead information in Mojo?

If an Agent is calling a lead in Mojo that is assigned to a different Agent back in BoomTown, the Whoops error message will display in place of the lead's profile for the Agent calling the lead in Mojo.

Why aren't all the leads I sent from BoomTown showing up in Mojo?

A lead must have a 10-digit phone number entered in BoomTown to be successfully sent over to the Mojo Dialer, and leads with a phone status of "Opt-Out" or "Invalid" will not be sent over to Mojo through the integration. This is meant to prevent calls to leads that have opted out of communication in BoomTown, or don't have a number -- thereby saving you time!

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