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Bill of Material
Updated over a week ago


A Bill of Material (BOM) in the Bottleneck Manufacturing Portal represents a recipe or formula that specifies the components, quantities, and production steps required to manufacture a specific product. BOMs provide detailed instructions to ensure consistency and accuracy in the production process. Each BOM can have multiple versions, allowing for revision and improvement over time. The approval process ensures a formal two-way handshake between the Manufacturer Org and Brand Org before changes are made and conveyed to the production floor.


  1. FORMULA BOM: A Kombucha manufacturer might have a FORMULA BOM for producing "Strawberry Kombucha." This BOM would include the recipe for fermenting kombucha with the addition of strawberry flavoring.

  2. PACKAGING BOM: Another BOM could be a PACKAGING BOM for "Bottled Kombucha." This BOM would specify the bottling process, including the bottle type, cap, and label.

  3. SECONDARY_PACKAGING BOM: A SECONDARY_PACKAGING BOM might be used for "Cased Kombucha," specifying the packaging of individual bottles into cases for easy transportation and storage.

  4. KIT BOM: A KIT BOM could be created for a "Kombucha Starter Kit" that includes all the necessary components for customers to brew their own kombucha at home.


  • Manufacturer Org: BOMs are created and managed by the Manufacturer Org, representing the organization responsible for the manufacturing process.

  • Brand Org: Brand Orgs may propose or approve BOM versions, ensuring collaboration and agreement on the manufacturing specifications.

  • Inventory Items: Each BOM version specifies the input inventory items, their ratios, and loss percentages that go into the formula, as well as the output inventory item with the corresponding quantity and loss percentage.

Example Relations

For the "Strawberry Kombucha" FORMULA BOM, it may include inputs such as "Fermented Kombucha," "Strawberry Flavoring," and "Sugar" with their respective quantities and loss percentages. The output would be "Strawberry Kombucha" as a WORK_IN_PROGRESS inventory item. Similarly, the "Bottled Kombucha" PACKAGING BOM might include inputs such as "Strawberry Kombucha" and packaging components like "Bottles" and "Caps," producing finished goods of "Bottled Kombucha."

Entity Lifecycle States

BOMs and their versions can have lifecycle states such as:

  • DRAFT: The BOM or version is being created or edited and is not yet finalized.

  • PUBLISHED: The BOM or version has been proposed or published by the Manufacturer Org or Brand Org, respectively, for review and approval.

  • APPROVED: The BOM or version has been reviewed and approved by both the Manufacturer Org and Brand Org.

  • REJECTED: The BOM or version has been rejected by either the Manufacturer Org or Brand Org and will not be used in production.

  • DELETED: The BOM or version has been permanently removed from the system.

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