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Managing your Formulas
Updated over a week ago

Collaborating on Formulas and BOMs: An In-Depth Guide for Brands Utilizing Bottleneck


The modern production environment demands meticulous planning, clear communication, and seamless collaboration. The Bottleneck platform steps in as a facilitator, connecting brands and manufacturers in a cohesive workflow, focused on formulas and Bills of Materials (BOMs). This comprehensive guide outlines how brands can utilize Bottleneck for managing various types of formulas, from product creation to packaging.

Formulas and Their Types

1. Types of Formulas in the Bottleneck Platform

Formulas in Bottleneck are categorized into four distinct types, each corresponding to a different stage of production:

a. Formula:

This foundational blueprint outlines the ingredients and their proportions, essentially forming the recipe of a product.

b. Packaging:

This stage involves the planning for bottling, labeling, and packaging materials, ensuring a consistent and visually appealing finished product.

c. Secondary Packaging:

This step guides the process of packing finished products into cases or onto pallets, maintaining uniformity in bulk shipping.

d. Kit:

Pertinent to products requiring only shipment, the Kit Formula organizes the materials needed for preparing customer kits.

2. Adding a Formula: Proposing New Inventory Items

Proposing New Inventory Item to Manufacturer:

Brands can propose new products directly to manufacturers via Bottleneck. This includes the addition of new formulas, streamlining the process of introducing new inventory items.

3. Modifying an Existing Formula

Existing formulas aren't static and can be modified within Bottleneck. This flexibility allows brands to adapt to changing market demands and to enhance products continually.

4. Stages of Formulation: Cycle Chart of Draft to Approved

Formulas pass through specific stages:

a. Draft:

A preliminary stage where a formula is constructed and refined.

b. Published:

Once ready, the draft is published for review by the manufacturer.

c. Approved/Rejected:

After scrutiny, the formula may be approved for production or rejected if it requires further revision.

This cyclical process ensures that each formula receives the attention and scrutiny it deserves.

Collaborative Efforts with Manufacturers

Using Bottleneck, brands can collaborate effortlessly with manufacturers. Brands can create, modify, and publish BOMs, and manufacturers have the ability to approve or reject them. This interaction cuts down unnecessary communication, fosters transparency, and streamlines the process from inception to production.


The Bottleneck platform offers an efficient, transparent, and responsive environment for managing formulas and collaborating with manufacturers. From the precise planning of ingredients to packaging and secondary packaging, the platform ensures that each stage of production is mapped out meticulously. The flexibility to add or modify formulas and the clear stages of formulation provide brands with an unparalleled tool to innovate, evolve, and grow. In the complex landscape of production, Bottleneck stands as an invaluable ally for brands, connecting them with manufacturers in a symbiotic relationship that thrives on precision and collaboration.

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