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Receiving Packages
How to cancel your package receiving subscription?
How to cancel your package receiving subscription?
Ivy avatar
Written by Ivy
Updated over a week ago

You can cancel your subscription right from the website or through our app by doing the following steps:

​1. On the website: Go to your package receiving reservation by clicking this link - choose which location you wish to cancel and hit cancel subscription.

2. On the App: Go to the Addresses tab. This will show you your pick-up points, choose which location you wish to cancel, and hit cancel subscription.

Please keep in mind that your account will be charged automatically on the same day each month that you first started your subscription.

The subscription will continue to bill each month until you cancel your plan. You must cancel your subscription before its monthly renewal date to avoid being charged for that month.

Never miss a delivery again!

Use Bounce Package Acceptance.

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